30 January 2013

#5 The Nod

We don't often acknowledge the existence of people we don't know
Those we don't find safe to talk to
But very occasionally, we give a brief gesture, mumble or glance in their direction
Signals which can mean anything from 'stay off my territory' to 'I find you attractive, but I'm too scared to act on this inclination'
But there is one type of engagement with strangers which I really treasure.
One that looks like nothing to the mere outsider.

The Nod.

Not just 'a nod' but 'The Nod'. The one that says:
We are both insignificantly small beings, on an insignificantly small piece of rock hurtling at many miles an hour through space.
And on that insignificant rock there are billions and billions of humans, all of whom have an entirely unique perspective on life and history of experience of their time on this earth.
That out of all these billions and billions of beings, our paths, yours and mine, have happen to cross just once.
They may do so again, but we wont realise so it doesn't count then.
But this time, we share the moment, not only of how unlikely and insignificant we are, but of how unique and how special we are as well.
That our past, our decisions and our experiences have bought us both to this point are both different and will take us different places in the future, but right now we're at the same point in time and space, and experiencing this same moment of life together.
And we acknowledge that with The Nod.

22 January 2013

#4 A risky rant, A risky pur-suit

They say that beauty isn't only skin deep
That beneath the surface is what really counts
The bit still alive in the dark when we sleep
It's certainly important, by all accounts

But then why is presentation everything?
Why should it ever matter at all?
If all that truly matters is the presence you bring,
Then why on earth should we have to dress nice for a ball?

Now this is an annoyance of a personal type
One that I've struggled to attack after many a pursuit
It may be Oxonian blasphemy, but I've never believed the hype
That comes when you dress in a well-tailored suit.

It's impractical, can't you see?
It's only through society that it claims it's pride
It's with us throughout life, the bizarre formality

In birthday suits we're born, buried formal in suits when we've died.
If I ever go, it'll be how I lived, in something I'd naturally wear

But it's hard to escape, there's suits on everything you see
Even a banana in a tuxedo, I swear!

So let's end this, I plea.
I've never had the grandest of ambitions
But we'll never escape this suit-fixation unless
We work together to make this plan come to fruition
And formally end this madness.

16 January 2013

#3 I am but an idea

I am but an idea,
But that's not much, I fear.
Sure, some ideas are really something to impress
And just happen to find the right cortex to address
Strike the person right down to the core
To be not just an idea, but become something more.

...That's not me.
I'm just the idea that is the silent epiphany
And though I may not have the most dramatic of effects
I'm the quiet realisation that the world connects
And while I'm not going to make you famous, or change the earth
I may help you realise that you are, at least, of a little worth.
That maybe there is actually a reason, after all this while.
I am but a small idea that may give you a small smile

9 January 2013

#2 The Chattering Classes

Collecting phrases is a habit of mine, it's just something to do as time passes.
And I have to say I struggle to think of a phrase I find more fine than 'the chattering classes'
(Thats a great rhyme by the way, it works no matter how you'd pronounce it
But this here couplets a little pretentious, so I'm going to go ahead and renounce it).
I pledge today
To become a member of the chattering elite
Those who know me know my chatter is hard to beat
But I have a feeling, if I were to bite the bullet and put myself to the test
I would find it difficult to chatter with the best
My words are weak, my lexicon is lax - at its worst its banter
I can talk you into a trance but I know I'm not an enchanter
If I really want to join this most distinguished of professions
To get into these chattering classes, I'm gonna need some lessons.

1 January 2013

#1 As the Underdog

The odds may be a million to one, but that hasn't stopped me yet
For it's when you take your greatest risk that you feel most alive, when you place all your chips on one bet
See, I know I'm the eternal underdog in this game
I accept that willingly and show no shame
Who wants to be the favourite, right from the start?
How then do you show resolve, courage and heart?
So far in life, I've pushed a lot of boundaries back
But the edges are still there, waiting for my attack
So if you want to witness this battle, then stay right here
Because the battle for this boundary is gonna take all year.

Mission Statement

Objective: I pledge to have a new poem posted here every Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning (before I go to sleep) for 2013.

Why?: I know my poetry is rubbish. And it's something I'd quite like to get better at, both the writing and the performing.
This isn't me writing for anyone but myself, but it's being made public so that others can criticize me and give me advice. And if you happen to enjoy it, that's a happy bonus.
I'm not going to be regularly posting this stuff to my facebook page, so you don't need to worry about anything like that. But for those who want to help it out, suggest a topic or two and maybe get a poem written about them, or even do the same task themselves, well, I'll be very grateful.
I know I've got a lot to improve on. This quote from Ira Glass describes how I feel right now - http://vimeo.com/24715531 - in so many parts of my life.

For those that don't know, I started doing poetry for people in leaver's books at school. Then, at University, I performed it for the first time. And from that point I've improved so much in just a year, even though I've only been writing little bits here and there. However, I know I'm still rubbish, and that I've still got a lot to improve on. I'm excited about what I'm going to be like a year from now, but there's a lot of work to get to that point.

Anyway summary over. If you're still with me, I'll be happy to see you around for the year ahead. :)

A knowingly naive Harry