27 September 2014

New Words: Ephemera (Or: Honest Tears)

There is no more beautiful or treacherous pleasure to indulge in as a man than to enjoy crying
To let emotion pour from you, your face dripping with the betrayal of what society demands
For once, you can be honest.
For once, you can not hide.

Most of the time, we have to bottle up our tears
Drink them down with the rest of our sorrows
Tattoo them on the inside of our eyelids
So that only when we blink do we wash away the mask and see ourselves clearly

Trying so very hard to emotionally barricade the first tear in
But once the breach is made, all internal defences are voluntarily taken down
And, sitting there in a pool of utmost clarity
Know that this, this can only be a merely temporary transparency

But for now, while the taste of salt on tongue is fresh
Before people scold and make fun for not being a man, before rejoining the anti-emotion mob
This ephemeral feast for one will provide a little nourishment
To help build this human into a man once more

ephemera -
Things that exist or are used or enjoyed for only a short time.

24 September 2014

New Words: Ebullience

I've got a little tip for you
It's how to perk yourself up, when you need to

It wont get you to elated levels of exuberance
To be described as someone consumed with ebullience

Rather quaintly, its just a little tip
Some small advice, an oddly trick

So let me get to it, I've been rambling a while
It's known some parts as the two part smile

First smile small, don't show your teeth
And hold your breath, this part is brief

Then exhale, and go full cheer
Show your happiness, then never fear

You'll find yourself elated a little, at least it works for me
It's not much. But may it make you just a small amount more happy.

Ebullience - The quality of being cheerful and full of energy; exuberance.
(I know this one is a day late, there'll be 2 this week, but I was travelling sadly).

11 September 2014

New Words: The dichotomy

Listen up, as I help you:

Remove the dichotomy
Lose the lobotomy
And stop your world view from shrinking
Despite the polarity
Realise that contrariety
Does not only equal two ways of thinking

Alright, let's rewind it back a little

When I was just a young cur
As most of us once were
I would struggle to see more than two sides
So when I'd want an opposition
My natural disposition
Was to take the first position I realised

And then not think any further

Let me provide an example
Just a little small sample
Of the type of thinking that used to vex me
See I saw on television
The nauseating preposition
That was life was only worth living if you're sexy

So what did I do?

Now, not to come on strong
But this was clearly wrong
So I decided that life should be blander
That each and every person
Should have a natural aversion
To this clearly incorrect propaganda

So what did I miss?

As I only heard one voice
I didn't realise the choice
That I could just give people the option
I shouldn't force others to display
That people should choose their own way
And select own mindset for adoption

The lesson from this?

I took time to realise
I'd become what I despise
By forcing others into my point of view
There is always at least 3 criteria
But then, giving me hysteria
I realised there could even be a forth option too...

dichotomy: a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.

Yes I already new the word dichotomy, but the poem idea came to me and I couldn't resist

7 September 2014

New Words: Recumbentibus

Sometimes, I want to strike out
And I want an opponent too
I want them to know exactly what I'm about
As I strike them with the old one-two

Yes, my friends, the one two classic.
If you haven't heard of it let me explain
The move is so old it's practically Jurassic
To cause both types of pain

You start with the verbal retort
To render them confused and stunned
Then you come out physical, to end their thought
And show them they've been completely out-gunned

Recumbentibuses, we're talking in plural
Because just one knock out ain't enough
Back them up against the wall then turn them into a mural
Cause you're made of the tougher stuff

At least, I fantasise about that a short while
Then I realise and I'm back to reality
I don't want to hit people, just make them smile
Except for in my wildest fantasy

Recumbentibus: A knock out word, verbal or physical