29 January 2015

Humanity - the great killer

Humans have always had the potential to impact the earth
Either to celebrate and elevate it, or damage it beyond repair
For some reason they seem to like to chose the latter

They've caused great wars due to disagreement
Radiation makes some islands untouchable
Punched a hole right in the atmosphere
And wiped countless species from the planet

So many species.
So many cries and sounds never to be known
Hunted for sport, food, curiosity, or because they didn't know better

Given how many species they made leave this world
It seems curious it took us so long when they were tying to
One species, whose eradication took so long
Caused celebration amongst the humans that hadn't been seen before

Was this just their bloodlust showing through? (again)
Not quite. In 1980, WHO declared smallpox eradicated.
They had destroyed a whole disease.

And now. It looks like they may be close again.
Loosing part of the Earth is not often something to celebrate
But this time, I'm going to join in with those humans
Cheering the use of destructive powers for good, once more.


21 January 2015

My purpose

So, very recently, I think I might have realised a purpose.

Don't worry, it's ridiculous beyond measure.
Soon I'll realise that and join the rest of humanity without one
After all, the search is almost certainly the bit with most interest and pleasure.

But, it hasn't escaped my notice that I've been lucky.

That certain decisions have gone my way
That life has thrown me pre-made lemonade
A folding table to sell it on, nice weather to sell it in (at least, on a typical day).

So, I'm getting suspicious

I've done nothing to deserve this
I've been kind to others where I can, but I'm certain
There are other, kinder souls whom life never deals nice hands, fate never blows a kiss

Why then. What is the cause of this?

I think I might know. See, I've never given into vice. And I ponder.
I don't know how I'd handle addiction, because I've never gone near any
But casual multiverse theory research makes me wonder

About the other me

See, if you believe in redemption on earth,
You believe that your life could have been better
But you screwed up somehow since birth

My life has been too kind

I could have done better, but my circumstance couldn't have been kinder at all
I'm not sure I could be blessed better than those I know
I'm waiting for pride to give me a fall

And I think it might be this

That in some dingy alleyway
The me that started drinking, and was unable to cope with addiction
The me that fell harder
That never had people to inspire him
That circumstance was never kind to
The me that so easily could have been
That other me is going to see into this world. The one that could have been.

He'll see what I've become, and wonder (like I do) how on Earth life could have turned out as it did.
Then our universe will snap away as the other me finally vows to sort his life out.
If Hollywood has taught me anything, it's that destiny loves an underdog kid.

As the purpose of our multiverse is fulfilled and ended

I wish him best of luck this night
That other me, so far away
But I'm not going down that easily without a fight

See, if I can keep screwing up just enough
I can stop myself from being that motivation
Our universe can keep going, if I can make myself tough

It may seem unusual to be avoiding your purpose in the world
But, hey, it's mine. It's the only one I get to decide.
And it might just give you the time to let your own destiny unfurl.

Picture taken from http://throughspaceandtime.deviantart.com/gallery/

14 January 2015

Curse this world, if you will

Curse this world, if you will
That is all too understandable and I do not blame you,
This world is known to be unkind
But yet I ask of you this

You may scream at the skies
It has brought naught but grey days
And overcast reality itself with shadows
But yet I ask of you this

Cast devilments at circumstance,
Chance alone should not lead to so a disparaging destiny
As the one seemingly in existence
But yet I ask of you this

Profess profanities at life for what it's been up to lately
For life itself seems to be struggling to keep up with itself,
And is patching up the mismatches badly
But yet I ask of you this

But yet I ask of you this most difficult of tasks

Please, I beg of you, do not curse, scream, cast devilments or profess profanities at those flawed little beings that call themselves human
They understand so little and are trying their best to find purpose
Toiling to make it to the next time this harsh world allows them to rest

They struggle day by day, against different pasts and different presents
When you finally realise all that those fatigued beings have been through
You will know there is nothing any of them should need, save kindness
This I ask you give them

Wall with door on dry earth

7 January 2015

A Muse

She'd was both cute and dangerous, and gosh darn did she know it
She'd inspired lovers and labourers, adventures and poets
Not a soul in this world or the next could resist her charms
Let me explain to stop you being vexed and maybe save you from harm

The most transient and beautiful thing, well after life herself see
She'd overthrown more kings than the oracles at Delphi
Her true name is unknown, she's a Goddess in most culture
She helps Fate be sewn, is more persistent than the vulture

She is bedfellows with Destiny, touching the vestibule of hearts of many a lover
Employed tirelessly to make it irresistible to you when you meet your other
That love is not always requited, yet no known person had found a way to refuse
My determination alighted, I made a pilgrimage to the being known as Muse

As a poet in training, I felt it just a part of my learning
My heart should be paining so my skill could be earning
Following the footsteps of Shakespeare, Byron and Keats
Though it was patently clear this path had witnessed many fantastic feets

I drew closer to her throne, thanking of the travesties she'd help cause
Her will was her's alone, and her history gave me pause
She'd caused hearts to break and strive, thrown men from many a cliff
Though through some she became alive, yet others she made lay stiff

File:Greek - Seated Muse or Nymph on Rock (Adaptation of Urania Type) - Walters 2384 - View A.jpgMy feet took me to hers, and I stared at her in awe
That I could infer one so great could ever be a flaw!
That I could ever have doubted her heart, it put me to shame
The only being worthy of the great Art done in her name

This Being too influential to deny, so beauteous to behold
She would be my path to the sky, as my sense took hold
I remember her danger. I come to sense as I linger
Deciding to stay a stranger, I showed the great Muse the finger

I walked alone long and friendless down the path I once came
Though it seemed sometimes endless, not once I felt shame
While I may have no Muse to aid my poems and writing
I hope to still amuse and, just maybe, sometimes be enlightening

Dedicated amusedly to the rather drunk girl I was chatting to at a party who absolutely refused to believe it was possible to write love poetry without any sort of muse.

2 January 2015

My Resolution

new year, new aims.
new life, new games.
strategy changing
while staying the same

welcome to the new age
same paper different page
new life, new bird
nearly out of the cage

so here's the deal
I can now reveal
let me be clear
and let me be real

I'm not yet at my best
my life is a mess
I want to improve
I want to progress

yet somebody told me
quite patiently
I'm hard to give advice
I like their honesty

so from now
I'll listen better
even if time doesn't allow

lend sympathetic ear
actually start to hear
not just wait to talk
be happy right here

to summarise this letter
for any risky bettor
I'm going to try my best
to listen better