This is the lament of the voter, let me be bold
To experience this just once, before I am old
I don't want to vote out of fear
I don't want to vote out of fear
I don't want to have to vote cause I'm scared if I don't
That I'll be persecuted now and here
I don't want to vote out of fear
I have to say that it does seem recently
Only a lesser of two evils choice has been given me
And it may seem feeble but a vote for less evil
Is one that fails to inspire me
I don't want to vote out of fear
I don't want to have to chose between my heart and my health
Take my principals and put them up on a shelf
So I can hold close my nose so that (as everyone knows)
I can vote for someone I don't agree with myself
I don't want to vote out of fear
You're given two options, a yay or a nay
No reservations or nuance you can display
But we promise we do, next time a vote comes through
You can make a totally free choice on that day.
I don't want to vote out of fear
I get it, I swear, I understand
The last few votes that happened to be planned
It was really vital that I voted right this cycle
It just seems all the ones before had similar stands
I don't want to vote out of fear
It may be I'm entitled, but let it so be
Fear is never my choice frequency
It may be a crime, but I swear that next time
I'm just going to vote for me
I don't want to vote out of fear
Politics of fear be damned.
Let us vote honest.
Let them not scare us anymore.
We are the people.
We are the power.
We are the voters.
So, what will you chose?