25 July 2018

Loving art

One reason people don't understand music, poetry, dancing or art
Is we are taught to analyse it at school
You need to fall in love, let it fill your heart
Let it make you act a total fool

You must learn each step, remember each note
Break down each and every line
And never feel the rhythm inside your throat
Never live inside the rhyme

You must say to that world of cynicism and fear
I don't know why, but I like this thing
Yes, this thing. This one right here.
It fills my mind, makes me want to sing

Don't be afraid, or embarrassed or scared
Let it fill you to your core
All art is flawed. All things are impaired.
Don't let that stop you wanting more

But you must learn to love, complete and true
Then, and only then
Will you want to break it down like school taught you too

You will want to break it down, understand how
This song you heard or drawing you found
Opened you up more than you'd ever normally allow
With just a brushstroke, or word, or sound

Study has it's place. But it must not come first.
Find that which means something to you
Then break it down, if you have the thirst
But let yourself love it through and through

18 July 2018

Young Icarus

The sun is not for you, young Icarus
You will burn your wings trying to reach so tall

Let me burn my wings then
So that in learning how to rise, I will know what it is to fall
Just as I know it is better to have learned to dream
Than never to have flown at all

Icarus, The fall will be great
You will never return to the sky

Would it be better not to leave the ground?
Should I also make sure I don't jump too high?
To be human is to fail
And what could be more human than one last great goodbye

You must know restraint boy
The world will learn lessons from how you fly

What lessons do they expect?
What marvels they may see
Not one who has clipped wings
But one who soars above the sea

Your pride will be your downfall
In both ways, you end alone

But I will end up alone in the heavens either side
My tale is not of caution
The tale of Icarus is not of pride
Just that it is possible to fail
For those that dare to touch the sky

11 July 2018

Dream, young child

Dream, young child.
Your path is before you.

You could do a thousand things
But you can't do all of them

So, for now, you need to dream
You need to aspire

You need to pick
Need to choose

Need a way to pick the left fork
Or, sometimes, know what's right

No human will pick 'em quite like you
So you need to become yourself

Dream, young child
Your path is before you
And you alone

4 July 2018

ray of light

I want to be your ray of light
If you will let me shine
I know you have walked in darkness
So let me share this light of mine

I have been fortunate of late
With few obstacles in by path
If you will let me use this extra time
I would like to make you laugh

Even though we walk our own way
You need not walk alone
And, dear friend of mine
I know your struggle is one you own

But, if you let me, then for a while
I will be a ray of light, and try to make you smile.