25 September 2019

What's bothering me?

Dear me
What's bothered you today? What's got under your skin?
Was it worth all the effort to hold that discomfort within?
It takes energy and time to hold on to discontent
It may be hard but often worth it to relent

Cause something happens if you hold onto hate inside
If you let negativity come along for a ride
You know this man, it's not good for the brain
You've got a limit of things which you can contain

What's bothered me today? What's got under my skin?
Most of the time, man, dang, it's nothing.
I need to let go, It doesn't deserve retention
It's time to get mad at the things which deserve me attention

See, some anger is worth the effort and energy
To fix inefficiency or find inequality
And it's ok, sometimes, to rage at things which are small
As long as that rage passes, doesn't become your all

What's bothered me this week? What been under my skin all year?
That stuffs rooted deep, and it can turn into fear
Things I can't affect? I need to accept them
So that I can turn my head to the exception

Those things which can only change given a long fight
And even these things shouldn't keep me up at night
But those tasks which only change with much time and energy?
I've found these are the things which it's worth letting bother me.

So, what new thing bothered me today and got under my skin?
It's time to decide. Let it go. Or begin the fight within.

18 September 2019


What is reality?
What is everything before you and me?
People much smarter than I have a theory
That this world before your eyes is only what you see
That everything before you here
Is just what you touch, taste and hear

Reality is filtered through your (yes your) brain
Meaning reality relies on you being somewhat sane
So if the brain in its membrane began to change
Then reality itself would cease to be the same

This world which we observe with our perception
Is only as good as our internal cognition
If I were careful I could give persuasion
And you'd give the world a different description

With just words, I could change reality
Such power usually only lies in fantasy
That all people all magicians, casting tales
Although we have to believe them or the magic will fail

But if the external is really beholden to the mind
Then think of the power a wordweaver could find
And if what I've said, if even an ounce of it seems true
The realise the power that must rest in you

11 September 2019

The honour of the struggle

There is honour in the struggle
Of looking the world in the eye and saying

No I don't think I will give up just yet
Because I'm more than you think
More than what you're putting me through
I am the things I will do once I emerge

No one struggles without hope
One who is already beaten will lay still
You, fellow struggler, are not beaten
They have not got you yet

You will not win every battle
And some conflicts are not worth getting in to

But for those times, when life insists
That you must not resist
Then, my friend
There is honour in the struggle

Some poems I've had as drafts for a long time. This was a pretty much only a title back from 2014 when I did themed months. It's very different to how it would have turned out if I'd written it back then, curious to know how my style has changed.

4 September 2019

Here is a truth

Here is a truth: There are many types of lie
The sinister lie, designed to gain power over another
The regretful lie, to one not ready for reality
The kind lie, to inspire hope where the teller sees none
The slight lie, the barely a lie, the lie so close to true and yet so far

Here is a truth: There is one type of lie
The lie which says that this world is not as you think
This lie is how things should be
Buy into the deception of this lie
Inhabit this fake world together

Here is a truth: There are many types of liar
The entertainer, who spins a fantastic tale
The impostor, scared of who they really are
The powerful, who weaponizes lies to maintain the status quo
The lover, who can't bring themselves to let you know how harsh the world can be

Here is a truth: There is one type of liar
They who lie to themselves about the world and their place inside it
We tell lies because we want them to be believed
Yes by others, but also by us
Because the fake world is one we'd rather live in

Here is a truth: There are reasons to lie
Some of them are even good reasons
And the truth has many angles
Different people favour different approaches
There are many types of truths

Here is a truth: There is one type of truth
The honest truth, the way you perceive the world
No person sees every perspective
Share your angle on the truth with others
So together, you may see the Truth in its entirety