27 November 2019

Poem catcher

Build me a poem catcher
Out of stanzas and string

Let me snag inspiration
Out of simply nothing

Swish swish through the air
Bring down a fresh verse

Maybe I'll catch some bad ones
Maybe I'll give up and curse

But if I swipe enough times
With enough perseverance

I'll catch the starting lines
Which, with some endurance

I can unravel with care
As it battles my grasp

It may not be smooth
It may grate and rasp

But my poem catcher
If I give it enough time

Will capture raw words
I can turn into rhyme

20 November 2019

This world is kinder

This world is often far kinder than we give it credit for

Too often, we focus on the bitterness we must endure

We often feel like we are tough to love. That might be true

But we forget about the people who love us despite the toughness they must go through

Struggle and suffering are often daily chores we must tick off with regret

We ponder over them, not ready to endure them just yet

Stop. Look at the rest of the list you have in your hand.

Did you have "make someone smile" or "show kindness" planned?

No? Me neither, most days it's all grit my teeth and continue the fight.

I don't plan these things. But often they spring forth and bathe others in light

Around the world, there's many people seizing an unplanned chance to be kind

The world is full of people of a sympathetic mind

Do not forget them. Join their cause and add one more

After all, this world is often far kinder than we give it credit for

Inspiration music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaRiaNicVU0

13 November 2019

Nothing is stopping you

When nothing is stopping you
    You must still fight through that nothing
An empty road ahead still means you're walking towards something
Even a battle against a static punching bag
Requires you to grit up and release all the energy you had

Tasks can be difficult, with or without opposition
Realising you have to take action can be a difficult mission
That you can seize the opportunity before you
Still requires raising your hand and coordinating it too

There are many chances, but each takes some energy
Obstacle are often bigger than they were meant to be
And even if they aren't, challenges are still tough
Readying yourself for a battle when you've had enough

Do not talk yourself down for the victories you've won
Often once you've started your test, the hardest challenge is done

6 November 2019

Long for home

Sometimes, I long for home
To the place where my heart used to roam
Still only a split second away in sound by phone
But really many miles of rock and loam

I remember this place that used to be
Preserved in my heart for eternity
(Or as long as that happens to be for me)

This collection of places and face
and fond memories and embraces

And I miss it, dearly

That feeling does not change

But slowly I come to recall
That time will have its wicked way with all

Maybe roads are repaved
Fountains and benches not saved
Maybe these feeling that I craved

Can be found afresh once more
Without travelling far - just out my door
To realise this is a place I will soon long for
Next to my old home, this new home is also in my core