25 August 2021

Trust the Science

I guess I could say I believe in the Science
with certain caveats to clarify my alliance
why the caution in this particular refrain?
let me say that Science is superb in its domain

but Science is flawed when it comes to History
one time events are a Scientific mystery

and while Science does have a certain rhythm
Poetry and Science theory will lead to a schism

I'm not saying Science doesn't have a place in Art
but paint strokes are lacking unless caused by the heart

yes, Science really starts to push its boundary
when focussed on solving a Sociological quandary 

and don't get me started on Science and Theology
where matters of uncertainty make it hard to reason properly

Still. With those caveats down. Maybe a couple more as well.
Let me state that Science, in it's place, is truly without parallel.
Science has managed to send actual people to space.
Science has cured diseases which plagued the human race.
Science allows us to build structures which reach up to the sky.
Science allows us to know which chemicals harm us and why.

Science is discussion. Science is in fact debated.
It's just discussion which is heavily moderated.
It's not that science is uncaring or that science doesn't care.
Science is just a tool to help us understand things that are there.

It's up to humans use the knowledge that Science can provide us.
To ensure the procurement of said knowledge wasn't subject to our bias. 
Yes, the process of Science is messy. But I know, and you must
That in the right domain, Science is really the best thing you can trust.

18 August 2021

...and I will take my well-earned rest

...and I will take my well-earned rest
I respect the fact the Day has done her best
We have shared adventures, danced a while
I made some friends, maybe made a smile
Maybe I travelled some way away
Or put a performance on today
Whatever happened, whatever the flavour
I battled strong and did not waver
I did well the challenges laid before me
But now I feel I can sleep easy
For the Day is done, I've passed her test
and I will take my well-earned rest

11 August 2021

Searching for God

A feeling that I've had that I'm sure many others share
Is "Oh God, why are You so hard to find?"
It doesn't take much to realise that it's in character
Our all-loving, all-powerful, all-knowing creator? He's just being kind

A small wind can reignite an ember that's almost died
But a large wind will knock down anything in its way
A small light can serve as our guide
But a large light will force us to turn away

And I don't believe He wishes to harm us

So with our free will, we much search for small winds and lights
For the Lord is able to help us, as long as the cause is right
Though we may not see his support in our plights
He is the glass floor that we walk on, the force that lifts our kites

And, if we search deep within our core
If we lay ourselves bare, honest, and raw
Then we can ask for the filter to be lifted a little more
So that we can find our faith just a little more sure

Remember that this is a friendship unlike any other relation
If you speak with faith and without hesitation
You need only to ask, and you will find elevation
And you will move a little closer to your own revelation

4 August 2021

The power of winds

Small winds cool us down
Small winds bring embers alive
Small winds give us energy
Small winds make us thrive

Strong winds push us over
Strong winds tear down woods
Strong winds cannot help us
Strong winds must be withstood

Do not think yourself any weaker
If you fear the strong winds of any day
You must let any small winds build you
To prepare for the winds that come our way