I've never been a fan of bitterness
It's a taste I adverse to but nonetheless
I hear so many people I respect talk its praise
They all wax lyrical about bitter days
How it builds them, instils in them
A hope that can improve them
That the bitterness sits In a way to make things better
Without bitterness, any sweetness is just an inkless letter
Give me coffee, give me dark chocolate. Give. Me. Beer.
Meanwhile I'm just sitting in the dark out here.
Bitterness has only ever filled me with a sense of fear.
Why would I find joy in the taste of a tear?
I'm not spurred on by a series of unfortunate events
And I don't believe every misfortune is heaven-sent
But they enjoy the aftertaste it leaves on your lips
Savouring the unpleasantness upon their nerve tips
And I'll never tell them they're wrong for a cup of strong black tea
Just let them know that I'm afraid it just isn't for me
It's not what inspires me to step on my next journey
So then what, if not bitterness, makes me a motivatee?
What gives me get up and go if not a bitter taste?
There's so much value in bitterness why let it go to waste?
Well, quite simply, I want to have a more positive mind.
There's so much criticism it's easy to find.
I'm more driven instead by not falling behind.
Trying to push myself even if going in blind.
To be a better me, because I want to get better.
Not because I'm upset with where I am. I'm not bitter.
I can appreciate my climb and still want to go higher.
Instead of seeking determination, I'd rather be inspired.