23 February 2022

Horse riding

I don't think I've ever ridden a horse
It seems a little scary to me
I've seen many people do it of course
And do it most effortlessly

It seems so simple, on the screen
What it takes to foil a foal
Galloping around in grass so green
With complete and utter control

I am not a protagonist in a movie
Even if I think I have some witty lines
I know things would not go smoothly
If I were to suddenly embrace the equine

I could learn. But slowly. At my pace.
A horse is not a meerly tool to wield.
Maybe success wouldn't be winning a race.
Just trotting gently around a field.

I don't think I've ever ridden a horse
It seems a little scary to me
I'll give it a try, if it's on my life's course
And embrace the difficulty

16 February 2022

Acrostic Poem

Allow yourself space
Creativity will begin to flow
Rarely will it be easy
Often it will be slow
Still. It will come. You'll see.
Take time, don't race
I can't out-create you. Nor you, me
Come forward, art!...at your own pace.

Please, love whatever you make
Own everything about it, even the flaws
Even if you know where it would break
Make something. Make it yours.


A request from a friend. I don't think I've written an acrostic poem yet on this blog, so nice to make myself work in another form :)

9 February 2022

A drummer

I've been told a look like a drummer
I'm not sure what this means
Is it just that I have long hair?
And the smartest thing I wear is jeans?

Maybe, instead, it's something else
I look like someone blessed with rhythm
I mean, I guess I am good at counting
But I can't split time through a prism

Or I look like someone dependable
Who keeps the base for others to rise
A friend to others? A hidden talent?
I wonder how I look through other's eyes

The truth will out, and they are sadly wrong
Drumming is not the role I play in song
Maybe I am wrong? Maybe I should try? 
Still, it's nice to be thought of, even if I know not why.

2 February 2022


Some days I just feel like a fuck-up
How can I not?
I look around and see everyone else.

People who are funny. 
People who are attractive.
People who are athletic.
People who seem to have faith figured out.
People in relationships.
People who own houses.


Why can't I get my shit together?
Why am I trauma dumping in a poem again?
Why do I struggle to get out of bed some days?
Why is it such a struggle to meet people sometimes?
Why am I being so vulgar? This isn't me.

Some days I just feel like a fuck-up
But some days ain't all days
There are always good days as well.

You get a sense that you're not just treading water, but actually moving.
Maybe you got a sense that you made a friend's life was a little richer.
Maybe you made someone smile.
Maybe you got your laundry done.
Heck, maybe you got some external validation.
    and I know you shouldn't go seeking external validation all the time
    but it's still nice sometimes, y'know?

Life is hard. Because your journey isn't anyone else's.
And it very easy to see how far everyone else has managed to travel.
So don't forget to remember the good days.
You will need this memory on the harder days.
    The days you feel like a fuck-up.
    And maybe some days you are a fuck-up.
    Because we're all a fuck-up sometimes.

But you should still appreciate the steps you make.
You are a Fuck Up, but you are also Fantastic.
You are Flawed and you are Phenomenal.
Just remember to sometimes see yourself in the light you reserve for others.