Some days I just feel like a fuck-up
How can I not?
I look around and see everyone else.
People who are funny.
People who are attractive.
People who are athletic.
People who seem to have faith figured out.
People in relationships.
People who own houses.
Why can't I get my shit together?
Why am I trauma dumping in a poem again?
Why do I struggle to get out of bed some days?
Why is it such a struggle to meet people sometimes?
Why am I being so vulgar? This isn't me.
Some days I just feel like a fuck-up
But some days ain't all days
There are always good days as well.
You get a sense that you're not just treading water, but actually moving.
Maybe you got a sense that you made a friend's life was a little richer.
Maybe you made someone smile.
Maybe you got your laundry done.
Heck, maybe you got some external validation.
and I know you shouldn't go seeking external validation all the time
but it's still nice sometimes, y'know?
Life is hard. Because your journey isn't anyone else's.
And it very easy to see how far everyone else has managed to travel.
So don't forget to remember the good days.
You will need this memory on the harder days.
The days you feel like a fuck-up.
And maybe some days you are a fuck-up.
Because we're all a fuck-up sometimes.
But you should still appreciate the steps you make.
You are a Fuck Up, but you are also Fantastic.
You are Flawed and you are Phenomenal.
Just remember to sometimes see yourself in the light you reserve for others.