I'm just trying to make something
So why is it so hard?
I'm just trying to put down thoughts
It's words. Just words. That's all they are.
I've accepted that not every week will work
That sometimes I'll make a poem just for me
Still. It's a struggle.
Me vs one more canvas I have to beat.
And because I'm a bitter man.
I refuse to let the canvas win.
Great - I manage something.
Next week it will be back again.
Sometimes it's a joy.
I've had months where I can't wait for each poem to be heard.
Other times it's one poem at a time.
One more verse. One more line. One more word.
But here's the thing I have to remember:
Those poems made through struggle? Some are treasures.
Not all. Many I want to forget.
But it's worth it for the ones that I remember.
It's why I try so hard.
Why I'm still writing right now.
Create. Later me can improve it if he wants to.
For now, just get something down.