This is the tale of someone always beginning
Always starting strong
Ready with an intro to anything they're singing
Never the whole song
Let me tell you, I've never seen a jack-of-all-trades
So truly master of none
Beautiful skylines on paintings that all quickly fade
As if only just begun
There is an adrenaline rush that strikes synapses
When starting something new
So they build and build and then of course it collapses
As these things tend to do
Do they persevere? No. Where's the rush in that?
Where's the inspiration?
The old idea is already old hat, deflated and flat
And would need perspiration.
Look, sometimes ideas must be let go
Don't cling on to things all the time
But just once, resist, control the flow
Dictate the nature of the desired rhyme
Sometimes, it'll need hammering into form
Find a project worth pouring the self in
Learn how to whether the inevitable storm
Don't stop. Not this time. Not with this thing.
There is often no rush in finishing
Just exhaustion. Relief at being finally done
It requires more than just wishing
It'll require more than one moon and one sun
Long projects absorb identity
And don't let it come back for a good long while
But it'll release eventually
Then look back at what has been done and smile
And then, and then,
After a rest to piece a functioning person back together
That point is when
The start, the rush, that new-project pleasure
It'll feel different now
For a project has been start while knowing
The somewhere, somehow
This is the tale of a person that sees projects to their end