29 November 2023

Against loneliness

 It can be lonely 
This journey through life
It can be scary
And filled with strife

Look, I know you're busy
Doing all those things you do
Surviving, living
And just, well, being you

If you need, reach out
I try not to turn people away
At worst, I reschedule
To a shared non-hectic day

So please, please don't be silent
After all, it can be so fun to yell
I can't guarantee help
But together, we can struggle well

22 November 2023


"Do not give in to avarice"
I tell myself once more
"Do not give in to avarice"
It is oft a one-way door

"Do not give in to avarice"
The temptation is so strong
"Do not give in to avarice"
Would it really be so wrong

It would save much fear
To just give in to greed
The chance is always near
To take what others need

Take what I want first
Before any question why
Begin the endless thirst
I know will never die

"Do not give in to avarice"
I tell myself once more
"Do not give in to avarice"
It is oft a one-way door


Inspiration: Avarice by David Fenn, from Death's Door

15 November 2023

A moment

There's a moment, there's always a moment
When you choose what sort of person you are
A quiet voice speaks up, and asks you
Are you willing to go this far?

Is this you? Is it right?
You know what this means
You are not stupid
It is not too late

We don't always react well
We have all failed some moments
Learned about ourselves
In a way we didn't always want to

There is sometimes another moment
If you make it there, I beg you, set things right


Inspiration: my worthless life - not good enough by my head hurts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5EHwPVC3tw

8 November 2023

Keep on Going

So, I keep on going
Even without motivation
Even without pay

I keep on writing
On calculating
On processing

My mind doesn't rest
I can't just stop
Until I feel "done"

The picture is growing
Connecting dots
Drawing lines

I am not logical
I am not artificial
I'm often not intelligence

I am human
I was already travelling
So, I keep on going

1 November 2023

Walk away

It's ok to walk away from a battle
Even if you think you can win
You don't need to test your mettle
Or give your armour a spin

Lose, sometimes
Congratulate the victor
The War Bell chimes
And you can neglect her

You may find joy in fights
But it might make you hostile
Leave some sleepless nights
You wont get past in a while

So, walk away
Not because you're weak
Because it's a nice day
And you'd like it to be a nice week