31 October 2013
#45 The Earth Keeps Moving
Can, if they try, make the world stop once.
To make the world see them, to make the world know
That this fella right here is a guy who's gonna grow
It's not too hard, doesn't require too much invention
To make the world make you the centre of attention
Make it acknowledge that, hey, you exist
Isn't that nice, now wont you be missed?
Only, if you've stopped the world, it's a dangerous game to play
As the world respins and curls, commences creating the day
The intertia, might just knock you off your feet
In the type of experience you might not wish to repeat
See now you're behind, trying to catch the world again
But you've had your time, it's just not the same
It knows who you are, now does it really care?
You'd have to go so far, and no it's not fair.
Last time, you took the world by surprise,
And in it's shock it managed to look you in your eyes,
But all it saw was a fool or a dunce.
Who had their moment, and made the world stop once.
However, that's really not the point of this rhyme.
The real trickster can stop the world a second time.
Stop the spinning of this great ball of rock
For the second time to halt both hands on the clock
To have the courage, conviction, creativity and class
To once again manage to stand on top of this planetary mass
So that, for a second time that the world sees you standing right there.
You see the second time you make the world stop, you also make it care.
Because any fool, or any dunce
Can if they try, make the world stop once
But that's not really the point of this advice
For it takes a genius, to make the world stop twice
29 October 2013
#44 Not your typical
Just to say, I'm not your typical run of the mill human being
I'm not like that standard model you see walking around
I'm fully equipped with genuine thought 'n' feeling
With all the latest gadgets that can be found
Look, I can work through maths with 101% accuracy
I can draw art, and I'll only have to start over twice
I can feign culture and pretend to be classy
And, if for some reason you desire, I can feign being nice
Yes I'm the top of the range, the latest trend
Not like those other fakes you see walking around
I can see you're jealous, no need to pretend
I'm unique, one like me is not to be found
But then it hit me. Exactly what I was saying
By trying to be the best, I was being like the rest
With exactly what message I ended up conveying
It mattered not the result, just that I was taking the test
See the flaws in my design are what keeps me different
I don't need to be scared to acknowledge it you see
All I need to do is acknowledge what is most apparent
That I don't need to be better, just to be me
22 October 2013
#43 Birthday
And I did it my way. And yes I'm still here.
I've clung on for life for another orbit of the sun
I've survived much strife but now this year is done
One more to add to my ever building total
Kind of sad, the year is just a number after all...
But in that year that adds just one to my age
While I've dwelled here still on life's stage
I've acted my part in a great many plots
I've thrown my heart into worlds that others forgot
I've moved on a great deal, not forgetting my past
There's been times to stop and heal, others to go fast
There's been a great many memories that were once the present
Hopefully now fewer enemies and who have less to resent
Many friends made, and many friends not seen
Many debts paid and many insights gleaned
There's so much I've done, and forgotten accidentally
But now this year's gone, and wont return incidentally
So when I add up all that I've achieved
I can stand tall with what I've received
Aside from the friends, aside from the presents
And I wont pretend that I mean the events
I can forget all that, and add one year to call myself 21
As where I'm at, and a tribute to the year just gone.
15 October 2013
#42 Maturity
Was the first time I realised that I had cried as a man.
When I decided to accept responsibility when I was blamed
I realised that I was finally mistress maturity's fan
We were never told about this growing up
The difficult parts about becoming an adult
That it doesn't come at one time, a head's up
But a collection of slow and uncertain results
But sometimes you get glimpses of indications
Little hints that Life is moving you along
Giving you a little bit of provocation
After all, the distance we walk is long
Sometimes I feel I don't want to advance
That I'm happy just at this point in the adventure
Feel happy pausing at this instance
Not feeling there's anywhere else I need to venture
But I realise now, I'd hate to be stuck further back
Now I've developed so far
Progress of self is a virtue I'd not wish to lack
And that's when I have my moment of aha
See, although moving on is a scare
It's how we sadly mature
And this realisation, of it's own affair
Was another small personal advancement to endure.
7 October 2013
#41 Out of my depth
It feels kind of insane
How often it's said
That I'm in over my head
Everything is rushing
I'm embarrassed and blushing
Because I should understand
But I'm really not the wanted man
Let me step back and explain
I went to shot the moon but hit a plane
I aimed way too high, and fell on my ass
I wanted to graduate when I needed to stay in class
Learning to reign myself in is not a skill I possess
I tend to go for too much so end up with less
Find myself claiming I'm far more than I am
A hollow shell of a shadow of a man
So as an intruder, I hide my heart
I try my best to act the part
And sometimes, I succeed
I do exactly what I need
I've felt an intruder the entire time
Like an accomplice in some sordid crime
Then people congratulate me after
Pat me on the back and say with laughter
How well I did, impressive and cool
Yet if on that day, I feel a fool
I'll believe them. And pledge to aim higher
Jump willingly from the frying pan, and into the fire.
2 October 2013
#40 What is Courage
It takes a lot of courage to stand up to our enemies,
But a great deal more to stand up to your friends.
In fact, courage comes in many places
But it follows no patterns or trends.
Courage can be exactly what you'd expect.
Some show it by great acts of heroics
Which have an obvious cause and effect
Which are all very lovely and quite poetic
But who doesn't love a challenge ay?
So I'm taking quite minor courage and making a stand
Here is some courage more difficult to display
Here is some courage of which I am a fan
I love the courage of a small kid standing up to a bully
But also that of the bully to admit he's done wrong
To overcome pride and admit his folly
That he's been a bully all along
To the man who's struggling with depression
And has the courage to admit it to another
Who decides to seek help, rather than bottle it up
Is courage greater than almost any other
For the small girl who believes in monsters
That are hiding under her bed when she rests
When she goes to look and confront her fears
She is sure to match her monstrous test
I love the courage to play an instrument even when you suck
The courage to say what you should've said before
The courage to stand up for small principles
The courage to be just a little bit more.
Courage can take many forms, forms others don't understand.
For courage where it seems not needed is almost an adage.
But the first step is always the hardest. And the most worthwhile.
So go ahead and be brave my friend. Have courage.
If you didn't get the Harry Potter quote, then, well, I guess that's ok. But seriously, you should read the books again. Seriously.