2 October 2013

#40 What is Courage

It takes a lot of courage to stand up to our enemies,
But a great deal more to stand up to your friends.
In fact, courage comes in many places
But it follows no patterns or trends.

Courage can be exactly what you'd expect.
Some show it by great acts of heroics
Which have an obvious cause and effect
Which are all very lovely and quite poetic

But who doesn't love a challenge ay?
So I'm taking quite minor courage and making a stand
Here is some courage more difficult to display
Here is some courage of which I am a fan

I love the courage of a small kid standing up to a bully
But also that of the bully to admit he's done wrong
To overcome pride and admit his folly
That he's been a bully all along

To the man who's struggling with depression
And has the courage to admit it to another
Who decides to seek help, rather than bottle it up
Is courage greater than almost any other

For the small girl who believes in monsters
That are hiding under her bed when she rests
When she goes to look and confront her fears
She is sure to match her monstrous test

I love the courage to play an instrument even when you suck
The courage to say what you should've said before
The courage to stand up for small principles
The courage to be just a little bit more.

Courage can take many forms, forms others don't understand.
For courage where it seems not needed is almost an adage.
But the first step is always the hardest. And the most worthwhile.
So go ahead and be brave my friend. Have courage.

If you didn't get the Harry Potter quote, then, well, I guess that's ok. But seriously, you should read the books again. Seriously.

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