4 January 2014

Colour: Turquoise

The theme for January is going to be colour, so expect a few more poems on this theme :)

What I'm about to tell you may or may not tell you a lot about me.
It could either be a pointless anecdote, or a deeper hint as to how I perceive life.
But know this, in life, the journey is often as important as the destination.
The route we chose to take in life defines us just as much as where we end up.

So, with that in mind, know that when I was younger my favourite colour was Turquoise.
It's one of those slightly odd facts about me that you might dismiss easily.
And you may be right to.
It's just a favourite colour after all.

Though remember what a favourite colour is to a 7 year old boy.
It's what they want to wear, the colour they want their towel (really),
It even can influence their football team (which to many boys is their life)
Colour can mean a lot to a person

So, why on earth was, out of all the possible colours, turquoise the one I "picked"?
It may add some context that, for a while, I wanted to be an architect just because it was the longest word I knew.
But turquoise wasn't my favourite colour because it was a difficult word to spell
It wasn't even because I originally had something turquoise I liked.

I was just glad I'd found it.
When we were shown the colours, everyone was taught primary.
(Side note, when I found out it was RGB - not RYB - in real life 
I felt far too betrayed by school for comfort)

Then, later on, we were taught about secondary colours.
Oh, it was so perfect, they fitted in so nicely after all.
But then, my brain got to wondering,
What if there were more colours between those?

So some brave teacher dug up a list
And told me 'tertiary colours' did indeed exist
Showed me the names, most of which I knew
But there was one which was entirely new

Turquoise. Half way twixt green and blue.
Instantly, it became my favourite hue.
And while I didn't go around bragging about it
I made sure that, when asked, I was honest.

I can't remember if I just liked the novelty
Or if I just didn't want the colour to feel left out
But for a long time, I was happy with turquoise
Although I'd settle for pale blue

Nowadays, I don't really have a favourite
I don't have a story about any other colour (Although I did really dislike red)
But, as far as that goes, I wonder if this entire spiel has been highly trivial
Or if you now know more about who I really am. Just from a fondness of turquoise when I was young.

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