When we make love, it'll be to the moon
It'll shine brightly, it'll almost swoon
The great celestial orb will look down on our pairing
So great are we even the moon is moved to caring
It'll see us there, and bless us with moonlight
So let us show our love to the moon tonight.
Mate, fuck the moon.
Fuck thinking you have to be beholden to a lump of rock in the sky
A rock that hides half the time and even then only ever shows half it's face
An oversized pebble that can only reflect the light and energy of others, and produce none itself.
I don't want to be like that. You and me shouldn't hide, even if times are dark.
And we should live off no light but our own.
When we make love, it'll be to the stars
They'll glitter gently from way afar
We'll draw dot to dot over the canvas of the sky
We'll make wishes on any stars that try to shoot by
So lay down with me, and lets take inspiration
Let us show our love among the constellations
Mate, fuck the stars.
Fuck those giant balls of fire hanging in space
That seem nice from afar, but burn any who get to close
Those pinpricks, so many light years away
I don't want to be that far away from you, or to be hurt if I get too close
We shall burn with our own brightness
When we make love, it'll be to the Earth
It'll bless us gently as we lie on it's turf
We'll spin with the planet as it revolves around us
If you listen close you can hear the rocks discuss
How they were made for us alone
So lets show our love on this Earthly stone
Mate, fuck the earth
Fuck this big ball of rock that cares not
We are insignificant to it, and rightly so
We do no matter to it at all, I can honestly say.
Although it may not seem much, you matter to me
We shall create our own world between us
When we make love, I want to express it in metaphors
I want all to realise that you are the one I adore
That the world shall be amazed by our creativity
And the love that is present in our imagery
To describe the love I feel for you
Lets make love like no one else could do
Mate, fuck metaphors
Fuck wordplay as a means of romance
I want to take action and explore this world with you
I want us to know reality, and embrace that for all it is
We don't need to exaggerate to show how in love we are
We shall create and be our own hyperbole.
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