I'm the happy man, the new guy to meet
Always a grin, and cheerful to greet
Maybe not the life of the party, but certainly life in the room
Someone who seems to not feel gloom
There's no question I get joy from interaction
I do enjoy when I'm doing things and taking action
At parties you'll see me chatting to all
Confidence among strangers was never my downfall
I've never had an issue talking to new faces
I love to meet those who Life gave different races
I really do enjoy chatting and conversation
So please don't let this next fact cause you hesitation
While I do enjoy meeting others and hearing their view
I struggle to get up, I find life difficult to persue
The effort initial, I find harder than you'd be imagining
It's often why I'm late to many a gathering
The conversation itself also causes me to tire
Perhaps you may not guess when I have to retire
While still awake and aware, my mind still thinking
Just unable to join in with partying and drinking
I'll be clear - I do enjoy your company, I like you indeed
Though public life is hard I do not want to receed
But it's so much effort, I can clearly attest
So please forgive me, if I have to excuse myself for a rest.

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