16 December 2015

A friend in a strange place

It's one of the nicest things I've got to do
Be a friend to someone a little like you
You know the situation, go somewhere new
Scared about what you're going to go through

Not sure if people are friends or rival
On your toes from point of arrival
You're being judged, it feels the whole while
I'll be the friendly face and smile

It's not much effort, I swear that here
To realise if someone is feeling fear
To just be kind, and tease them out of the shell
Especially if you remember going through that hell

As they come and go, replaced with many more
To be kind to all who walk through that door
It's similar for you, but unique for them
Worth the effort to be a port in the mayhem

For the past three years, I've helped out at Oxford interviews. Mostly, that's simply involved sitting  down with applicants and chatting to them. I've really enjoyed it - you can see how nervous they are, but all of them are brilliantly smart and passionate about something. Even if they're fairly reasonably scared and a little withdrawn initially, helping them enjoy themselves and be more comfortable is always rewarding. 

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