Holla, Holla, holla at my vegan boy
This is not a song to berate irritate or annoy
And holla, holla, holla at my vegan girl
At the tenacity in giving this philosophy a whirl
Alright, let's remove any preconceptions for a bit
Life does not come with a morality kit
We all decide now how to make our way
Where to make our home, how to make our pay
One daily decision which we make and repeat
Is to choose the food that we cook and eat
Just heed this warning when choosing your diet and food
Of any strongly aligned societal attitudes
So even though I'm afraid I could never really try it
Let me say I will not go at you for your vegan diet
Be it environmental - less carbon in the atmosphere
Be it ethical and mental - wanting no animalian harm or fear
Be it health or wealth - be it pure fussiness
This leads me to a most important point to address
While there is a joke about vegans being loud and obnoxious
I've never encountered one of these folks while conscious
So holla to those who live in a different fashion
Who persue what they do with tenacity and passion
But no holla or shout out to those who bully on repeat
There's really nothing special about eating meat
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