This poem is lovingly dedicated to my Grandma
She has been around 90 years on this World so far
Brought happiness and joy to many a different face
She takes life and it's challenges with a loving embrace
Because in 1926, the same year as Winnie the Pooh
My Grandma was born all fresh and new
Young and full of promise, so fittingly
They named her simply Rosemary
And like rosemary, she works best with others
As a mentor, as a neighbour, as a partner and lover
She never sees a person as better or worse
Just a future friend with which to converse
I feel lucky, even though I arrived so late
I've spent 23 years with her on Earth to date
That after so much time since that birth year
Both she and I share this world right here
If I start to worry about what the future might bring
I remember, in 1926, we still had an empire and a king
We've been through much turmoil change, it needs not be named
Just that through it all my dear Grandma remained
Whatever challenges life decides to throw my way
Blood flowing in her veins flows in mine today
So I have the power and the passion to persevere
Thanks to those strengths passed on from my Grandma right here
I just want her to know, how grateful I always will be
For the patience growing up she never failed to show me
For the love, and the light, let me just say
Grandma, have a very happy birthday.
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