I heard a tale from a marvellous man
Telling me "Ultimate is" and "Ultimate can"
I want to add a riposte where he may have erred and forgot
Let me add my lot to emphasise what Ultimate is not.
Ultimate is not what you imagined initially
The summation of students sauntering hippy-ly
Much more it is moulded of athletes competing
Jumping and throwing and diving and sprinting.
Ultimate is not a game for canines though we aren't exclusive
Any human we find who wishes to join can pursue this
We've an open division, for all to enjoy
We also play mixed - half girl and half boy
A women's division to cap off this list
Except for masters, to prove we're not ageist
Whatever you play, you can compete to the A-list
Reach highlight reels that'll make you famous.
Ultimate is not easy to start, but it is to improve
If you have the heart and you find your groove
We all started struggling, trying to find feet
By drilling and training until it's time to compete.
Ultimate is not to be written off, not 'til you've seen
What can be achieved with plastic and dreams
Until you understand that it's more than the sport
It's the community and heart that holds this fort.
Ultimate is not like anything that you've known
Until you see your own first smooth disc thrown
There's a very good reason your friend got hooked
And is playing with plastic every time that you've looked.
Ultimate is not easy. Ultimate is not for wimps
It is not played by dogs or cats or chimps
It's played by people. It's played with respect
This disc-sport is catching, and bound to infect.
Ultimate is not something I can really take lightly
Yes, the name's stupid, I take the jokes politely
But it repays effort and kindness like nothing else I do
Ultimate *is* for me. Don't just assume Ultimate is not for you
Poem referenced in first line is by Chris 'Jaff' Martin, and can be found here -
(Being published early due to printing issues)
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