7 September 2016


The smallest stutter
The smallest change
The wings that flutter
Cause all that's strange

You want to predict?
To even estimate?
Here's my edict:
Leave it to fate.

See while all in this universe is indeed indicated by intellectual equations
And all attempts to adjudicate on outcomes are actuating amply
Mostly, I must make clear the fatal flaws in such fanatic infatuations
For chaos, that brilliant beast behaves beautifully but bastardy

So let's stop. Here's the scientific view
That small initial starting variations
Cause the final outcome to dramatically skew
Nullifying and causing potential contraindication


It's not purely random.
It's merely a fact of what is.
That life isn't easy.
We can't always know what's going to happen.
But even then. Nothing escapes life's laws.
Even chaos is trapped by the cold chains of the universe's equations.
Even in madness, there are rules.
Even through disorder, we can predict.

It's just very, very hard.....

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