You're heartbroken again, aren't you?
You've seen life's turmoils through and through
Well don't worry. After all it should be plain to see
There's always plenty more fish in the sea
(This line was said with a big, wide, devious smile
That hung on the narrator's face for a while
After all, they knew your life and knew the score
And how many times you'd heard that line before)
Of course, the issue with that saying is clear
You'll find another fish if you persevere
But some fish are sharks, with a nasty bite
Some fish only come out in the dead of night
Some are whales, which may still be your thing
Some, like the jellyfish, pack a powerful sting
Oh they're beautiful to look at, don't get me wrong
You just never want to hang around them for long
Some like a swordfish you'd never want to kiss
Some camouflage away and are easy to miss
A pufferfish will put on such a mighty display
But will look very different at the end of day
It seems, if you have high standards, you might still prove
It's possible to be alone even with an ocean-full to choose
But here's the catch, if you care to take my bait
All those flawed fish? They still find a mate
Despite all the flaws in someone you wish to uncover
They still find someone to adore and call their lover
Because here's where this analogy of you as a fisherman may cease to be true:
Somewhere out there someone is fishing for you too.
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