26 April 2017

Dear Individual

This may stand contrary to all you’ve heard in your life thus far
But if people like you, they like you for who you are
And in my case, that means I like you as someone different to me
As someone with a whole different life philosophy
And as long as you’re ok that we won’t always see eye to eye
That you might shout a fervent nay when I say aye
Realise that I in fact do want to hear your present and past
Where we intertwine and where we contrast
And we will bond, please don’t get me wrong
When we sing the same notes of the same song
When we share a tune not many others know
Oh what a blissful place we could go!
But that doesn’t mean you should be embarrassed to say
Where your tune and mine flow a separate way
That that’s just how it is. And then we’ll depart.
You’ll go on your way, and follow your heart.
Though I may disagree with your choice, I’ll always confess

That it never means I love you any less.

19 April 2017


I've always adored punk.

I've adored the way it took no one's word for granted
The way it looked at authority and asked 'why?'
The way anger was encoded in each raw pluck of a guitar string
The way it became much, much more than just the sounds on a record

They did what so many before them have tried to do in vain.
They took disatisfaction at the world and turned it into something.
They turned it into art. They turned it into movements.
They turned it into hairstyles. Into culture, into identity.

Now, the sound of punk isn't for everyone. But the message should be.
The message of DIY - that if something needs to be done you can Do It Yourself
The realisation that even if the world is against you, you shouldn't let the fight be one sided

Now rise.

Rise if you feel that there is injustice.

If you feel that something must be done.

Take to the streets. Take to the internet.

Take your passion and make something.

Harness the power the punk has unveiled.

Make Art. Make Music. Make Noise.

Make Something.

12 April 2017

Two Cells

 I was once two cells. Then one.
From the moment, I became someone.
I would grow and grow and get real tall
Now I can’t remember being one cell at all.

And I. Have really. Tried.

I started off easy. I can remember being very nervous 5 minutes ago
Before I had any sort of idea where this poem would likely go
It’s a very clear memory. Although one I’ll probably forget
Ah well. We’ve got more difficult challenges to try yet

I can remember, quite a while ago now
The first time I did poetry in front of a crowd
I was 19 and proud of this thing I had wrote
As the sound went from my mind to my lungs to my throat

Let’s push back way more. I can remember (I think)
My first day of school. Dressed in blue and not pink
Still learning about how to play games and have fun
And how I was still learning how to be someone

I can push back further, and I’m sure you can too
I think I just about remember when I was two
I remember being in a playground, in a giant wooden horse
Scrambling around and getting all dirty (of course)

Past then. I really struggle. My parents fill gaps in my memory
I’ve seen photos of people that I’m told are in fact me
How this mind of mine once fit in a body much smaller
How I was so energetic – a climber and a crawler

That I was once so fragile. That those photos weren’t my limit
Honestly, it makes me shiver. Makes me want to forget it.
I really struggle to understand sometimes that that. Was. Me.
This shell I once fit in to oh so easily

Though my imagination struggles. I still know it to be true.
That going back before I was someone, I was one cell. Then two.

5 April 2017

This stone

In this hand I call my own
I hold a pale, speckled stone
It’s smooth and hard. I feel its weight.
And I begin to contemplate.

See, with the stone that’s in my hand
There’s many futures I have planned
The potential power that lies within
The futures paths I could begin

This stone could break windows,
This stone could break trees
And where this stone goes
It goes because of me

This stone could be flint
It could turn monkey into man
Be the spark and the glint
To make fire as my plan

This stone could tumble and fall
So quickly down a hill
Strike another stone, then them all
An avalanche, from my will

This stone could be ground down
Into the finest of sand
Make a glass to my renown
And the things I have planned

It could be made to a computer
To do my thinking when I need
Though I’ll naturally dispute the
Origin of such mis-deeds

It could cause great catastrophe
Cause such immense destruction
This stone you now see?

It simply awaits my instruction…