5 April 2017

This stone

In this hand I call my own
I hold a pale, speckled stone
It’s smooth and hard. I feel its weight.
And I begin to contemplate.

See, with the stone that’s in my hand
There’s many futures I have planned
The potential power that lies within
The futures paths I could begin

This stone could break windows,
This stone could break trees
And where this stone goes
It goes because of me

This stone could be flint
It could turn monkey into man
Be the spark and the glint
To make fire as my plan

This stone could tumble and fall
So quickly down a hill
Strike another stone, then them all
An avalanche, from my will

This stone could be ground down
Into the finest of sand
Make a glass to my renown
And the things I have planned

It could be made to a computer
To do my thinking when I need
Though I’ll naturally dispute the
Origin of such mis-deeds

It could cause great catastrophe
Cause such immense destruction
This stone you now see?

It simply awaits my instruction…

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