I've wondered for a while - do I write with correct technique?
Or am I more a mish-mash, a creative freak?
I know I'm not a poet who is learned in his way
I know my rhyme schemes cause dismissal and dismay
If I sit down with one who studied properly past sixteen years
I'm often overcome with turgid terminology that fills my fears
Look, I'm an academic in enough of what I do already
My poetry is an escape to keep my boat steady
It takes the build up inside of emotion and thought
And releases it all to escape this fort
I will never be the next, well, whoever is supposed to be famous
I know I'll never hang out with the poetic elite and a-list
But by doing my own thing, maybe I hit on something new?
Else, maybe I'm closer to the proper poets than I ever knew?
Does it matter? Probably not, I'm just thinking
Releasing thoughts aloud that I sometimes sit back and sink in
Just know - if I find I am a fraud, it's an identity I'll foster
As I try to claim the title of most ambitious imposter.
Written while listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfoyqjucqXA
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