I can't even remember her face any more
I stared into her eyes for such a long time
What colour were they? Hazy.
Same as her hands, I so often held in mine
She was kind to me, I remember that
Especially when we left, tried to leave me with no pain
And with it she took nearly everything.
Memories. Seized along with her name.
She was greater than me, in a way I could never know
She was beautiful. Stunning. Someone I could never find.
I've tried looking, but there was no clues. Nothing.
There was only one thing she left behind.
The one thing she couldn't remove. She probably didn't have a choice.
She who one I loved.
She who erased everything.
She who left me alone.
She I can't recall.
I have but one final memory of it all.
That she had the most lovely voice.
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