13 February 2019

Silent Protagonist #743

Hi, you can call me silent protagonist #743 
You've probably already seen the likes of me 
The quiet type, oh so stoic 
Listen patiently, don't you know it

I didn't used to be like this you know
 I used to monologue wherever I'd go 
Talk of bravery and other fancy lies 
Some would love me, some would despise

And I caught the ire of a powerful mage 
My fanciful words caused him quiet rage 
His scheme was cunning, so hear my ode 
To the shop I found at the side of the road


Welcome to Davos's magical emporium 
We've got treats, and then even more of 'em! 
No adventurer is anyone without my gift 
Buy my trinkets and watch yours stats lift!

Dear sir, yes you! (he pointed at me) 
You look like a fellow who may be in need 
Of a sword (quite affordable) which can cause great harm 
While also (can you believe?) making you feel calm


Like anyone would, I asked for a trial 
The shopkeep said sure, with a wicked smile 
I took the sword, gave it a go 
And into the sword I felt my rage flow

I struck the shop dummy with the coldest heart 
The sword struck gladly as I plied my art 
While feeling control I've never felt before 
And instantly knew I'd return to this shop door


On my next trip, I got boots which took away my fear 
Guiding me gladly if danger drew near 
A set of spells wrapped up tight in a book 
Always providing the answer if I gave it a look

A shield which always seemed to block 
Whether attacked by a rocket or just a stray rock 
A shapeshifting cloak which sparkled with joy 
Chainmail which took my desire to shy away


I am not ungrateful of my aid, so if anyone asked 
I told them the item I got from Davos's last 
Enthusiastically at first, but you see over time 
It seemed more of a grind to keep stopping crime

I grew more methodical, and far more cold 
As each new item came and took control 
Stealing part of my personality, making it their own 
And far too late did this deal became known

I was the greatest, I needed my gear 
I relied on it containing all my anger and fear 
The trade was I could inspire people with speeches no more 
Another silent hero, as Davos cackled inside his door

Tried writing to a prompt for a change - https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/amhcqh/wp_you_probably_should_have_thought_it_through/

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