We've been through hardship before,
as humans, I mean.
I know some, well, maybe most of it was self-inflicted
but there's still goodness to glean
In some of the plagues of days gone by
we survived by sacrifice
Villages working for a collective good
through an elder's advice
In times of war, we banded together
the young volunteered their future
The smartest gals and guys we knew
invented things like the computer
So now, in present day, just look around
take note of what you see
The long hours. The struggle to succeed.
all to help all of humanity
The nurses, the shopworkers, the careworkers
more professions than I can go through
As well as every person who has stayed safe and distant
it's thanks to you too!
And I know it's tiring, that you have fatigue
when you forget what it's all for
Just know that, eventually, we will succeed
just like with the hardship before
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