Sometimes my muscles don't work and I don't know why
Like, I want to get out of bed but there I still lie
I'm using my energy, summoning all my mind's strength
Just to find out my body isn't operating on that wavelength
Beyond the many issues I have with mornings and morning people
I want to use this silly story to talk a little about free will
Like, we don't do what's best for us, a lot of the time
Cleaning is effort so what's the harm in a bit of grime?
It's important to remember that everyone does these things
We're hypocrites with every song we try to sing
At different levels, sure. But we can all do better.
No one follows good advice down to the last letter.
I need to remember this - We are people, we have flaws.
Because I now am often teacher, so I need to give myself pause.
Because, with every good intention, students do things wrong.
Not because they weren't listening, or because they aren't skilled or strong.
We are people. We're odd. Sometimes it's hard to get out of bed.
All that's needed is to remember there's more than machines inside a head.
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