Our eyes are built to scan left to right
It's harder to perceive up and down
It takes effort to see the stars at night
We have to tilt our necks to see the ground
More than that, I feel I am now quite tall
I often see ceilings and seldom my shoes
As a child I saw the world below it all
I saw between the legs of people in queues
I am male, and seldom walk streets at night
So, on my bike, the world seems quite delightful
I don't have to worry, I am rarely in fright
I try to be kind, and am not given reason to be spiteful
I live in the country of my birth, and feel at home
I am not questioning my place here each day
It is a delight to adventure, to go out and roam
Not being judged for behaving a certain way
I see the world a certain way, a privilege for sure
But there still exists the world I don't see
So I'll do my best to listen, to stoop and endure
Being aware of how the world is for those who aren't me.
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