28 December 2022


Good glumption and merrythings to you this fine eve
May your singing be most invesant and fully received 
T'is Christmas! T'ist Christmas! Though I just visit your rock
Does not mean I don't feel ribblement right down through each sock

Spread...joy, as you phrase it, to each youngling you see
Not forgetting the oldkin who sits by your indoor tree
But like quantum stones in the ether I opsent two futures ahead
Your vision is shorter, so let me make clariss in my stead

There are many, so many, for whom kindness is all
Who are falling off the edge of your celestial ball
There's a chill than cuts through the carbon you collect
Where food should be placed there is but dust and specks

There is food a plenty, but just not in the right place
There are those coins you adore but not spread through space
The first future I see is not one on which I wish to dwell
The second future is simple - by Christmassy the rest of the year as well

Written while I had the flu, so the nonsense fits in well with my current level of cognition.

And, to anyone moved by this alien's tale, I can recommend Oxford Mutual Aid as one of a great set of places to donate to: https://oxfordmutualaid.org/donate/

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