25 September 2024

Keeping up habits

When you're keeping up something by habit
Sometimes you wonder if you should just let it end
Habits are hard and they eat up your time
Which can make them a tough thing to defend

I have broken many habits
Many streaks in life have stopped
Some, I have even restarted
Trying to pretend they never dropped

The extra time is nice, but there's something nicer
Something you don't see in the day to day
Progress. Progress that only comes with resilience.
It takes time to progress a skill from bad to ok

Today, if I could choose, I would stop. Cease flowing.
But the me in a year will likely be glad I kept going.

18 September 2024


I don't know if I believe in Fate
But I believe in the chances She brings
I don't know if She is real
But I know not to reject Her offerings

We have less control over our ride through life
Than many motivational speakers would have you think
This randomness can cause us all much strife
Y'all talk of swimming? I'm trying to float so I don't sink.

I can only do so many tasks
Within the days I have been given
There's only so much time to bask
And so many days to be truly living

So I will do my best to seize upon whatever falls my way
Try to make my best tomorrow by not missing out today

11 September 2024

Binary Steps

It's time to stop thinking so much in binaries
And embrace the in-betweens
Stop thinking yes or no
When it's ok to be maybes

This insistence of one side or the other
Always at an extreme
It misses the fantastic idea
Of probabilities

I'm not talking centrism, 
More of progress
Managing to get half way
Is not more or less

There is more than winning
If you give it your all
Having flown a few seconds
Is not lessened by a fall

Stop judging everything as simply a success or a fail
And I guarantee you will tell a much richer tale

4 September 2024

Fires in the fields

How do you see the world?
Is it happy, is it sad?
Is it mostly one, the other?
I think we all feel it's a little mad

But it is a different shade we see
Tinted by our life and struggle
Suffering, and celebration
How we dealt with trouble

I know some see these fields
As darkness with only little light
That we may put in great effort
Yet always lose ourselves to night

When I meet those folk
Who see warmth as only fleeting
I feel a little of their sadness
That the darkness might be defeating

Then I steel to my core
And I light my fire high
And I will burn with brightness
And I know the reason why

Because I do not think the world
Is unhappy at its core
And I do not think as humans
That we cannot fight for more

We have conquered some diseases
We have learned to sail the sky
We can speak across all boarders
And we fail but still we try

For the good moments aren't just moments
The light is just as strong as dark
If you see the world a little with me
The I will share with you my spark