28 December 2022


Good glumption and merrythings to you this fine eve
May your singing be most invesant and fully received 
T'is Christmas! T'ist Christmas! Though I just visit your rock
Does not mean I don't feel ribblement right down through each sock

Spread...joy, as you phrase it, to each youngling you see
Not forgetting the oldkin who sits by your indoor tree
But like quantum stones in the ether I opsent two futures ahead
Your vision is shorter, so let me make clariss in my stead

There are many, so many, for whom kindness is all
Who are falling off the edge of your celestial ball
There's a chill than cuts through the carbon you collect
Where food should be placed there is but dust and specks

There is food a plenty, but just not in the right place
There are those coins you adore but not spread through space
The first future I see is not one on which I wish to dwell
The second future is simple - by Christmassy the rest of the year as well

Written while I had the flu, so the nonsense fits in well with my current level of cognition.

And, to anyone moved by this alien's tale, I can recommend Oxford Mutual Aid as one of a great set of places to donate to: https://oxfordmutualaid.org/donate/

21 December 2022


You can be fearful, but you must not let fear control you
You can be joyous, but you must not let joy control you
You can grieve, but you must not let grief control you
You can be angry, but you must not let anger control you

Let emotions well up inside you, let them rise and fall
Experience one then experience them all
Let each take you places you've never been before
Let if fill you up, but don't let it take more

When one takes control, you lose the others
Leave you places you don't want to discover
There more than adventure out there.
It's a dangerous world that often isn't fair.

Yet there are wonders to unlock beyond what you see
It is not moderation, but balance that's the key 

14 December 2022

Modern TV

One of the great challenges of adulthood, is accepting you'll never watch everything.
We are genuinely in a golden age of "television" and I love it.
I love that people can lose themselves in worlds.
I love that so many writers and actors are plying their trades.
That shows from anywhere in the world can reach a global audience.
That the old gatekeepers of TV don't have quite as much power anymore.

Some folk seem to have a mystical power to absorb days of content in mere hours.
To have the dedication necessary to see a character through series and series of turmoil.
It's a job. Well, it sometimes feels to me that way. 
I'm scared to try something that I then have to see through to the end.

I like one season shows. It seems more my speed.
The right amount of emotional investment and then get out quick.
I just can't keep up otherwise. It passes me by.

The stories are great. The acting, phenomenal. The visuals, sublime.
The watcher? He takes too many breaks.

I'll never watch everything. And that's ok.

7 December 2022

Being a burden

I've realised that I never ask for help when it makes my life easier
Only when it's absolutely necessary
I don't want to be a bother
I don't want to be a burden

And I forget that giving help is one of the greatest things you can show as a friend
I never let people do that
I never want people to think I take their help for granted
So I never take their help

Does it contradict the image I hold of myself?
Do I see it as weakness?
Or do I know how weak I am and not want others to realise?
Affirming how weak I know myself to be

I would rather realise my flaws through self reflection
Than from the kind words of a friend
I'm scared of being too dependent
But I also need to not cut myself off

There is a balance between the two
And I know I have not got it right, for now

30 November 2022


Haikus are also cool
Because every syllable
is vital. Needed

Some longer poems
Throw words around casually
Artistic debris

A simple haiku?
Any idiot can write
Without too much faff

A good haiku though?
There's crafting behind each line
Good words DOA

There's complexity
Just not in the final verse
And that's a hard trick

23 November 2022


It's odd, having a broken bone.

I am not out of breath
In fact, I have a lot of energy
Behaving as I behave
I feel perfectly healthy.

It is one flaw. One flaw alone.
A single broken bit of functionality

I could jump if asked.
And I would jump high
Bend my working legs
Then zoom to the sky

I can't rotate my left arm even a degree
The muscle memory keeps making me pained

I can write and draw
I can give a great high five
I can still throw a frisbee
I feel so alive!

I feel so limited. So very restrained.
Like an alphabet missing a letter

I can't wait to go outside
And live life in all it's glory
To embrace with a big hug
The chances that are before me

So I will improve. I must. get. better.

16 November 2022

Time to ponder

This morning, I watched a video on the soul
Where science fiction had proposed the transplant
Art had made us question our moral goal
Are we the same person from adult to infant?

And then I put it down. Finished breakfast. And cycled to work.

It felt like I should let the idea dwell in my mind
Say no, I'm sorry, I'm busy today
I have philosophical avenues I'm trying to find
I can't go about on my routine way

Alas, alas, in the Monday-to-Friday nine-to-five
You must clock in your hours
No time for things that make you feel more alive
You are subject to higher powers

It is then, the miracle of our brain capacity
To switch task with only some trouble at a logic gate
Our subconscious will still process while we do our duty
Until we can return to things at a later date.

And, while capitalism is still a foe to fight and
while the minds' flexibility is truly wonderous 
I'm mainly grateful I have time at all to enlighten
Even if it sometimes feels squashed into breakfast


Video in question - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMkrrjKf5AE

9 November 2022

There is a pressure rising

There is a pressure rising
One that will not be contained
There is a pressure rising
Fuelled by fire and a little shame

"Why did we not act before?
Why aren't we acting now?
Could I be doing more?
How do we make a change? How?"

There is a pressure rising
The leaks begin to show
There is a pressure rising
Where will that pressure go?

"Don't show your outrage like this
Don't show your outrage like that?
Let us live our bliss
Until the day our Earth falls flat."

There is a pressure rising
It bubbles from within
There is a pressure rising
And it will not give in

We can EITHER heed the warning
And go in and face the cause
Now is not the time for mourning
Now is not the time for pause

OR we can prepare to face the day
When all the pressure goes
Takes us out along the way
Punishes for our comatose

There is a pressure rising
It is not going to stop
There is a pressure rising
Without help it will not drop

There is a pressure rising
The leaks already flow
There is a pressure rising
And we know where it will go.

2 November 2022


I'm 30 now. Thir-ty.
    Feels like a lot of years.
    Feels like a lot of days.
    Feels like a lot of time, in general.

Time in which most people have sorted things out.
But hey, I've been late on deadlines before,
    what's one more deadline to add to the list?

I recently chatted to a lot of people who had just started work
    and all of them were tired.
    and I'm tired too.
    but, well, not in that way, I think.

I've made progress in things.
Just not always the things I was supposed to make progress in.
Carving your own path is great.
Carving your own path also sucks, some of the time.

So, what is it that 30 years means?

I've met a lot of people.
    I even still keep in touch with some of them.
    And though I've yet to commit to someone to spend forever with
    I'm still glad for the time I've spent with those I know.

I've learned a lot of things
    Sure, some people learn quicker than me
    Or are better at using what they know
    Or playing the career game
    But, well, I feel that a lot of what I've learned is worth knowing.
        (or, at least, trivia I could put in a quiz someday).

I've grown a lot physically
    The first few years were the hardest, but I've grown beyond that
    I am still active, still doing sports
        I'm not quite at the level I would like
        And my body may soon start to grow weaker
        But I've got to do some really cool things, and play in some interesting places

I've made a lot of mistakes
    Like, a lot
    And I'm still making them
        Although, they're different mistakes now
    I have some mistakes I think I wont make again

I'm 30. 
I'm still figuring things out.
I don't have many answers yet.
Although, I think I am starting to figure out what the right questions are supposed to be.

26 October 2022

The world I don't see

Our eyes are built to scan left to right
It's harder to perceive up and down
It takes effort to see the stars at night
We have to tilt our necks to see the ground

More than that, I feel I am now quite tall
I often see ceilings and seldom my shoes
As a child I saw the world below it all
I saw between the legs of people in queues

I am male, and seldom walk streets at night
So, on my bike, the world seems quite delightful
I don't have to worry, I am rarely in fright
I try to be kind, and am not given reason to be spiteful

I live in the country of my birth, and feel at home
I am not questioning my place here each day
It is a delight to adventure, to go out and roam
Not being judged for behaving a certain way

I see the world a certain way, a privilege for sure
But there still exists the world I don't see
So I'll do my best to listen, to stoop and endure
Being aware of how the world is for those who aren't me.

19 October 2022

Big Cats

I was a once a normal man.
Well, as normal as a human can be.
Like many, I was a cat fan.
It brought me joy to pet a kitty.

Alas my folly for fur!
My ego grew too fat
I needed to hear a PURRRR
I needed a bigger cat

At first, it was not too bad
I sought bigger cats of the house
I stroked many a chonky lad
Who would strike fear into a mouse

But then I grew too bold
I searched for lion and lynx
The alure was just too tempting
If possible I would find a sphinx

Sadly, you will be shocked to hear
That it was not a wise idea
I'm wrapped in bandage from toe to ear
And any former furry friend brings me fear

The lesson of this tragic tale of mine?
Don't dream big, always keep your ambition in line
Or, more likely, always check an expert opinion
And, most likely, don't hug cats without their permission 

An adult human holding a very patient-looking Lynx in their arms.
Pic: A very cuddly looking Lynx. I want to stroke this Lynx. I have not learned my lesson.

12 October 2022


This poem is another sidequest
Another thing on that list you keep adding to
To consume it is your test
So you can cross it off once you're through

The list is good! It gets you doing things!
Things different from the day to day
But, well, it's not just a list of things
Goals to complete and then go on your way

You need to slow down. Absorb. Engage. 
Does your quest make you sad? Fill you with rage?

Take your time. Let it expand and exclaim.
Give it the space it deserves in your brain. 

I'm not a fool. The list of quests is often long
And overly long quests are dispiriting
Just remember - giving up on a quest isn't wrong,
but don't assume the next quest wont be riveting

5 October 2022

Face to Face

I've always struggle at delegation
And I think partly that's a good thing
Born from a human inclination
To deal with whatever fate will bring

It's only in-person that I ever really see
The consequences of actions and decisions
Whether a fault is really down to me
The harm and help of my ambition

It's nice to be removed, be one step away
Particularly for the tougher decisions in life
Let someone take that tough conversation today
Or slit your food's throat with a bloody knife

I think, we as a society, would be greater indeed
If we could see through all our actions face to face
If we didn't delegate beyond absolute need
And acted as teammates in the human race


Inspired by Face to Face by Daft Punk

28 September 2022

Things Going Well

I'm not used to things going well
I get suspicious when they do
When my journey seems not to be to hell
But a pleasant experience to go through

It's like, what's next?
What's the twist in this sordid tale?
What problem will leave me vexed
What frustration will make me wail?

Sometimes, things just go good for a little bit
And while it's good to use the downtime as prep
It's also fine to live a little without panic or regret
Take your reward. Be strong after doing your rep

Sure, this too will pass.
But, y'know, don't forget to focus on the "this"
Right now, it's here. It wont last
For now, it's ok to embrace the bliss

21 September 2022


Grief is too important to hold back
But also too important to force
It is genuine, a defence and attack
The body overwhelmed with remorse

I have felt grief in many ways.
Sometimes, when I didn't expect.
Often short, elsewise for days.
But I can't feel true grief as a sign of respect.

Most grief, has been for those I knew.
Family, friends, young, old.
But there are others that broke through.
Essential strangers whose parting left me cold.

Those whose art would come no longer.
An idol whose acts would inspire.
They are rare, for me, leaving grief stronger.
Left me standing a little less higher.

I respect grief a lot indeed
As my companion in the darkest place
Feel grief, if you ever need
And don't, if you need not its embrace

14 September 2022


Stories, stories, I wish I could weave a better tale
Sit longer than the time it takes for a rhyme
And craft, chapter by chapter before it grows stale
And I feel I must move on in my mind

Poets of old wrote epics most grand
They would carry on for verse after verse
But, whether prose or not prose, they are planned
And require dedication to which I am sadly adverse

I wish it weren't so. 
I know I could build myself.
Practice commitment to a character.
See an arc which curves slowly over time.
Not be rushed by my self-imposed weekly deadline.
Grow into maybe a more mature author who tells something worth retelling.

But I am comfortable in my silly lines.
And I still feel I like I am exploring new ground.
So, for now, I'll stick with where this path winds.
Although, one day, maybe a longer tale will be found.

7 September 2022


Sometimes my muscles don't work and I don't know why
Like, I want to get out of bed but there I still lie
I'm using my energy, summoning all my mind's strength
Just to find out my body isn't operating on that wavelength

Beyond the many issues I have with mornings and morning people
I want to use this silly story to talk a little about free will
Like, we don't do what's best for us, a lot of the time
Cleaning is effort so what's the harm in a bit of grime?

It's important to remember that everyone does these things
We're hypocrites with every song we try to sing
At different levels, sure. But we can all do better.
No one follows good advice down to the last letter.

I need to remember this - We are people, we have flaws. 
Because I now am often teacher, so I need to give myself pause.
Because, with every good intention, students do things wrong.
Not because they weren't listening, or because they aren't skilled or strong.

We are people. We're odd. Sometimes it's hard to get out of bed.
All that's needed is to remember there's more than machines inside a head.

31 August 2022

The virtue of being discontent

I wish for nothing more than almost perfect well-being
That I could experience a near complete serenity
That through 90% of the fibres of my conscious feeling
I could be a satisfied and content entity

I ask this as well though - grant me a dash of discontent
Do not let me be without this small internal unease
A sense that that the world in which I am present
Is still real, for it still has its grime and sleaze

I need that dash, to give me drive
Towards not settling for things as they are
It'll give me purpose, make me alive
And though I may not improve things far

It will ensure that I don't become complicit
That I keep fighting for my friends
So that ideally they too can all also elicit
A near complete contentment in the end

24 August 2022

This is the tale of someone always beginning

This is the tale of someone always beginning
Always starting strong
Ready with an intro to anything they're singing
Never the whole song
Let me tell you, I've never seen a jack-of-all-trades
So truly master of none
Beautiful skylines on paintings that all quickly fade
As if only just begun

There is an adrenaline rush that strikes synapses
When starting something new
So they build and build and then of course it collapses
As these things tend to do
Do they persevere? No. Where's the rush in that?
Where's the inspiration?
The old idea is already old hat, deflated and flat
And would need perspiration.

Look, sometimes ideas must be let go
Don't cling on to things all the time
But just once, resist, control the flow
Dictate the nature of the desired rhyme

Sometimes, it'll need hammering into form
Find a project worth pouring the self in
Learn how to whether the inevitable storm
Don't stop. Not this time. Not with this thing.

There is often no rush in finishing
Just exhaustion. Relief at being finally done
It requires more than just wishing
It'll require more than one moon and one sun
Long projects absorb identity
And don't let it come back for a good long while
But it'll release eventually
Then look back at what has been done and smile

And then, and then,
After a rest to piece a functioning person back together
That point is when
The start, the rush, that new-project pleasure
It'll feel different now
For a project has been start while knowing
The somewhere, somehow
This is the tale of a person that sees projects to their end

17 August 2022


What a joy it is to be past that awkward stage of growing up
Where, for the sake of marking a point in time
We decide that we no longer like those stories we liked when we were younger
Because we are mature now

But those things defined us, made us who we are
Even if we do grow past it, we never really grow far
Joy and Adventure are still fantastic parts of life
Even if we now balance them with bills and strife

Love the tales illustrated with gorgeous drawings
Love more nuanced things, but don't love being boring
Revisit old haunts to see angles that you didn't before
Cry openly at sad tales but smile openly even more

Silly rhymes and ditties may have more meaning on reflection
You will be richer for giving your inner child some introspection
Be passionate about something the adult world refuses
Don't wait until parenthood, and don't worry about excuses

You are the only person setting up barriers about what you consume
Yes, we need some barriers and filters because there is so much in this World
But don't let yourself miss out on the silly and the simple
Be actually mature. And embrace it all.

10 August 2022

The escape

Sometimes, I want to write poetry as an escape
Because I have one feeling in my mind
And it's STUCK in there

So, I grab my keyboard
(not as dramatic as a pen but it'll do)
I sigh loudly before I sit down

It doesn't work
It never works
Not at first

I sit with that one feeling
Occasionally, I don't escape
That one feeling becomes my poem

Other times though, it morphs
I find a different angle
Create a different take

I find freshness out of monotony
Things become less stale
Slowly. Almost accidentally.

The poet's escape is a difficult trick
Like many tricks, it is skill and determination
And there is magic in it

3 August 2022

Lonely sometimes

We're all lonely sometimes.
But there's nothing stopping us being lonely together

Sit alone with me awhile
As we each go through our own bad weather

It's a big world out there
And it's also a big world inside here

Come, be alone with me
So that you're not alone in your hope or your fear

The future is scary
Although I think the past was too

The present is less so
Because I'm doing it with you

27 July 2022

The devil and the angel

On each shoulder, famously, rest an angel and a devil
Fighting for your delicate soul
They argue with each other for you to take your angle
To achieve their eternal goal

I love the poetry of this, the great debate that rages
Just behind the eyes
But this fact has also been true throughout the ages
One we should all realise

The devil is not on our shoulder, but inside our head
The devil is simply me and you
We like to pretend such evil couldn't be ourselves
Surely that couldn't be true!

The angel is not on our shoulder, but inside our head
The angel is simply me and you
We like to pretend such virtue couldn't be ourselves
Surely that couldn't be true!

We have potential so vast it goes beyond what we've seen
We struggle to see it all
We are good people. We are bad people. We're everything in between.
We are the rise and fall

Don't be afraid to prevent yourself from doing great harm.
Don't be scared to admit you have done great good.
You will ride the waves of anger, passion, and even calm.
Through it all, you will have been yourself. Just, be the best yourself you could.

20 July 2022

Some days, life is struggle.

Some days, life is struggle.
It happens, but the day must go on.

It can be because of bad brain chemistry that day
It can be because you forgot to eat or had to get up early
It can be just a lot of things being thrown at you at once
It can be for no reason at all

On the bad days which are good, you can fight back
Take on one task at a time
Look back at sunset (or later)
And realise the day was conquered

Other times, you aren't so lucky
And so that day will pass
The next day will come
One day, hopefully, you will find a day without struggle

This is an acknowledgement of the bad days
And a celebration of the good
To the people we trust to help us make it through
Even if they're going through a struggle-day themselves

Some days, life is struggle.
It happens, but the day must go on

13 July 2022

Prove Myself to Myself

I still haven't proven myself to myself
And I'm tryin' to figure out if that's a good thing
If I find I've lived up to internal expectations
Will I stop my inward looking?

It would be nice, by now, to feel goal achieved
Tick, done, I've finished what I begun at age zero
Be working comfortable with hard-earned skills
Tackling tasks after completing the journey of a hero

Maybe changing a bit here and there
But something close to the finished product on display
Alas, alas! I feel like a first (maybe second) draft
Still pencils lines sketching my path with dismay

Maybe that's good. Maybe there's a balance.
Maybe I'm spending too much time in my head.
Stop thinking expectations of myself,
And just embracing the unexpected journey instead.

I don't know if I'll ever prove myself to myself.
I hear he remembers all your mistakes and regret
But when you carve your own path,
It's some of the only feedback you get


So I will try to be a bit kinder to this work-in-progress
And let him realise that the end goal is but one on the path
Beyond goals, there are more important things to embrace.
People to love. Memories to remember. Moments to Laugh.

6 July 2022

For those who are uncomfortable

If I see a bear walk from afar, I do not retreat from fear
Just because I am aware what will happen if it draws near
We are adverse to danger, because it can cause us harm
While it it true that fear can help us, we can also act while calm

I know this sounds so simple, but I see it every day
Folk ask if I'm uncomfortable because I act a certain way
No. Simply based off all the evidence that I know
I'm acting in the kindest way that I think I can show

I know they're trying to be considerate, I would be the same
So I'm trying to do my best to ensure I don't cause shame
Just simply and straightforwardly explaining my action
That my motives are considered and not an emotional reaction

But my ethics don't change because I'm tired (to the best of my ability)
Even if it seems strange or unsocial, I'll try my best to act consistently.

29 June 2022

Essential Workers

A couple years ago, the world fell to its knees
And the changes brought with it the odd quirk
See, while most of us just stayed inside
Some people remained, to do essential work

This work had always been essential
It was just more commonly seen as mundane
Low skilled? Low paid? Replaceable?
We required it all the same

For a little while, we were less entitled
We gave these workers their due
Much of society we could get by without
But not these hardworking few


And now? The work is still essential
A fact we seem to have forgot
The old structures are reforming
Trying to reclaim their lot

Remember, remember, not so long ago
I know there was much distraction and strife
But it was a lesson worth learning in society
Whose services we actually need in life

22 June 2022

Finish what you write

Finish what you write
And then write more
Don't be caught up
In a one-task chore

It may not be good
It just must be done
Finish it now
Start a new one

Later? Rework
Edit if life inspires
Don't be unfinished
It'll quell all desires

Finish a section
Finish with a cry
This work will be done
The end is nigh

15 June 2022


Sometimes I forget
    That all things follow designs
We hollowed out the Earth
    And filled it carefully with mines

We can knit in careful patterns
    To make a scarf or hat
Interweaving narrow threads
    With surgery through skin and fat

Some folk made with delicate craft
    Rockets to carry humanity to space
We studied how the air flows
    To make us faster in each race

I try to remember good designs
    So that I do not 
At the men who design weapons
    With great craft and care

When I read of history
    About the atrocities we've done
I see a person with my learning
    Wielding a pen like a gun

Chemical weapons were designed
    As was fertilizer for our bread
We choose our own impact
    So let's design things for good, instead


I recently read Maus by Art Spielman. It is a very beautiful and haunting graphic novel, detailing both Art's relationship with his (Jewish and Polish) father, and how his father survived during the war. Overall, it is a tale of survival and grim circumstance. In one frame, Art includes a small building plan of a crematorium. For some reason, it struck me how each element in this building (and in all the mechanisms) were indeed designed and planned. May I be granted the wisdom to never be involved in such designs myself.

A snippet from Maus, by Art Spiegelman. The snippet depicts a crematorium used in Auschwitz.

8 June 2022


Date of Birth.
Country of Origin.
Some simple truths to form your ID.
But, well, I don't really feel like that's really me.

I get it. It's a unique identifier.
A quick way to check if I'm a lier.
But no human who just met me would remember,
Whether I was born in October or November.

It doesn't say if I'm kind, or if I work too hard.
Next to my secret numbers on my credit card.
And it doesn't say what music I would prefer,
When legally driving, alone or chaffeur.

If I'm carrying something to show who I really am.
It'd be nice to have fun facts, like my favourite jam!
Or maybe some passions that get me up in the morning.
It could be useful to say whether I snap without warning...

Then again, gently putting privacy issues to one side
This poetic idea is one that would never have survived.
It's not that the beauty wouldn't make our passport stronger.
Just the fact it would make airport queues even longer.

1 June 2022

Ruler of the Realm

King, Queen, Monach of your realm
Why do you rule as you do?
For that land which you keenly helm
Is there love, and order too?

Mayhap you have a throne
Or maybe no place to rest
In this place you call your own
Is it kept at its best?

Do you tend it for viewers,
To not seem unsightly to their eyes?
Do you hold things in place with skewers
That prick you, but they don't realise? 

I wonder if you in fact are aware
It is you, and solely you who rule
It is you who must decide to care
And whether to be sage or fool

25 May 2022

One more canvas

I'm just trying to make something
So why is it so hard?
I'm just trying to put down thoughts
It's words. Just words. That's all they are.

I've accepted that not every week will work
That sometimes I'll make a poem just for me
Still. It's a struggle.
Me vs one more canvas I have to beat.

And because I'm a bitter man.
I refuse to let the canvas win.
Great - I manage something.
Next week it will be back again.

Sometimes it's a joy.
I've had months where I can't wait for each poem to be heard.
Other times it's one poem at a time.
One more verse. One more line. One more word.

But here's the thing I have to remember:
Those poems made through struggle? Some are treasures.
Not all. Many I want to forget.
But it's worth it for the ones that I remember.

It's why I try so hard.
Why I'm still writing right now.
Create. Later me can improve it if he wants to.
For now, just get something down.

18 May 2022

Freedom of debate

Is there anything richer than fruitful discussion?
Ideas flow like music, with words the percussion
A shared venture which leaves all involved enlightened
Leaving at last with one's philosophy heightened

But it is a bitter fact that must be recognized
Not all discussions are worth being realized
I used to treasure all debates in a manner quixotic
As I now realise some simply end up as toxic

I am not scared to debate you. It's just not worth my time.
You don't seek a shared truth, you want to disprove mine.
You're willing to attack me, as well as my thought
If you think it'll garner you an upper hand in the court

All are welcome to say and think however they chose to
And, if you're just in your ways I'd love to chat with you
But free speech does not mean you get to yell in my ear
So please, be quiet. Lest you disturb the discussions happening here.

Inspiration: https://psyche.co/ideas/in-nyaya-philosophy-only-some-debates-are-worth-having

11 May 2022

I want to speak on trauma

I want to speak on trauma, but I don't know what to say
I don't want to see my friend suffering then go about my way
But I've still got so much learning so much listening I need to do
Before I can give help, I've got some growth I need to go through

So that I never pretend I can simply swoop in with the save
So that I know there's no magic wand I can pretend to wave
But I still want to lift their burden, help a little off their load
Walk a little in their shoes and help ease the debt they're owed

When I do speak on trauma, I will show I truly care
To be a friend in need by being a friend who is there
To not speak down in platitudes, not say things that are empty
To accept that some small words of kindness can still be plenty

I want to speak on trauma. But I know I can't do so yet.
I have to listen first. So that when I do speak, I speak with no regret.

4 May 2022

Never Settle

I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that I may never settle
Live a life where I'm constantly shifting and testing my mettle
Always dancing avoiding blows, even absorbing one or two 
Acknowledging this weary life I have chosen live through
So get up, get up time to face another harsh ray of sun
Accept wrinkles that come from smiling at someone
It'll keep coming full waterfall, it'll wear me down
But it'll never wear my determined grin to frown
I may have a little less to give each day's grind
I am left with the growth it's given my mind
I'll never fade away, so long as I stand tall
Never settling is rising from every fall
It isn't comfortable, I'm sure I know
Always trying to adapt and grow
But it means you have no floor
You can overcome any flaw
Never stopping the path
This is infinity math
I think you'll be ok
Going your way
Just stay true
Stay you

27 April 2022

Learn from History

Most times, when we learn from history, we learn from its mistakes
About the falls, about the slips, about the cracks and about the breaks
"This is the ego that lost the battle, that made the empire fall"
But let us not forget that there is more that we must call historical

We do not record in ancient tomes the smiles shared on a weary morning
And while I think that it is right that we write down all the tragedy and mourning
It should not be eccentric to look at jokes and parties and songs and plays
Or appreciate the leaps inventions had to take even if commonplace today

If we do not appreciate how smart and brilliant our ancestors have been
We may fall into the folly of ego by thinking of our ourselves with a sheen
I do not think it is purely doom to repeat that which is done in the past
Though care should be taken to ensure any repeated step is not our last

Progress is fantastic, but when we ponder why such progress was not made before
Let us find a real answer, such as the difference in technology or prevalence of war
Not simply that it was beyond our parents parents parents parents intellect
Because I've read some of their stories and I'm filled with respect

Simply know that the grandparents of grandparents were not savages
I would loved to share a tale or two despite the difference of our ages
While I'm not ignoring advances in medicine or equality that we've done
I still want to pay my tributes to the steps to help us be who we've become

20 April 2022

No mask

 I often wonder if people notice
Those days when I wear a mask
Where I'm tired in the brain
And I don't know what to ask

I'm available now for a limited time
But I hear that stocks wont last
I'm trying to power myself on a sail
That can only reach half mast

Yet even running on fumes
I must add to life's collage
So my todo's don't become neverdo's
I battle on at reduced charge

Poetry does not flow when tired
Instead I fight for every line
This poem has no mask 
But it is truly mine.


On rereading this poem, I'm going to clarify that this is about dramatic masks, and not hygienic masks. 

13 April 2022

Christian Correction

A question to my fellow followers of Christ
I was not made with perfect eyes
They started good, then to my surprise
My vision began to glass and ice

Now, I live in an age of invention
Where glasses can correct my vision
Such that I can act with a precision
Matching those gifted with ocular perfection

I was not made in my finished form
I had to grow a little, after I was born
Challenges have left my wits torn
But it's ok. We grow. We reform.

So, if all the above seemed uncontroversial
Let me ask if there is any difference at all
Between other matters, mental and physical
Where we need help as a imperfect individual?

You are not unloved if you need drugs for anxiety
Gender dysphoria does not mean you lack piety
We are flawed. That's part and parcel of humanity.
That faith is beyond that? That, to me, is Christianity.

6 April 2022


 I'll respect you if you respect me
And then we'll both have respect you see?
But what type of respect is it I should show?
There's more than one type of respect you know.

I think you're asking for respect for authority
That I should act with reverence and piety
Follow your orders and do what you say
The respect for which obedience is the way

And the respect you're giving me is not that at all
Instead it's the respect you give a near-equal
Simple courtesy, like you listen when I speak
Understand if I'm upset of have a difficult week

But you wont do what I say. Nor should you.
Sometimes in life there are hierarchies to abide to.
I just want you to understand you don't speak honestly
by saying that if I respect you, you'll respect me

30 March 2022

Fake Happy

Sometimes it's a struggle to convince people I'm not fake happy
I'm just, y'know, happy

That's not to say I don't feel down sometimes or insecure
Not to say I don't have imposter syndrome a mile high
Just that when I take a step back and breath and appreciate things
I'm ok with being insecure

While I can (and have before) listed all the things in my life that could be better
I do miss several friends I wish I could live closer too and talk more with
And I'm not as good at this skill and I'm not as good at that skill
Not to mention I feel like I'm not where I'm supposed to be in my passions
Or that I sometimes feel like I'm struggling with work when others manage more easier
And, yeah, things could be better

But I've got to appreciate the good place I'm in right now
I am working on projects I enjoy with people who inspire me
I'm still on a journey in faith, but I'm enjoying the steps I'm taking
I'm getting to meet many new friends and know my family better too
So, when I think about the right now

Sure, there's nuances to the term, but I'm happy to say I'm not wearing a forced smile
It's genuine. Most of the time, at least 🙂

23 March 2022


Lord, things are going well, and I am truly blessed
Lord, things are kind of tough, and I am truly stressed
Lord, I must be grateful for the windfalls of life
Lord, I confess that I am struggling with strife

Should I just be thankful for what I have received?
Should I be upset when I feel like I'm deceived?

Life is balance, and I feel tipped to one side
Lord, I need your help. I need you on my side.


A poem I wrote on a weekend away with St Mikes. It was longer, but I think this bit alone captures the essence.

16 March 2022


What music do we dance to tonight?
Why, we move to the boom of the end days
The apocalypse sparkles fiery bright
Join the building as it bows and sways 

Take the echoing drums of war
Let it resonate in our soul and bone
Rave like you never have before
Embrace these chthonic tones

There must always be light. There must always be joy.
We must find silver in the greyest cloud
So to every non-binary, girl or boy
We must be human, especially if not allowed

Our feet may tap on unstable ground
The unwelcome future shall advance
Let's take the discordant symphony we've found
And despite it all, we shall dance


Inspired by Skeller - Waste. Also just by me trying to process things in the world, as always,

9 March 2022

Moments that matter

Life is made up of these moments that matter
Those moments when your world seems to teeter or fall
Those moments where your soul holds its breath while your brain tries to keep up
And time doesn't move at all

And then the clock ticks
Life moves a moment then a minute
The world is turning under your feet
Do you move with it?

Life is made up of moments and then life after those moments
Where you have to live in the moment's memory
Do you let it affect the way you interact and reflect?
Or not let yourself be overrun by an instant in time's sea

Just remember you have the ability to change any given day
Life is continuous, even if it's hard to picture it that way

2 March 2022

A country

What is a country after all?
A border. And enclosed within.
There. A leader. Powerful. Tall.
In charge of virtue. And sin.

No. Are the people all the same?
Do they all sing the same song?
Are their bodies the same frame?
Are they a faceless, voiceless throng?

Within the borders of a nation see
not just caricature and stereotype
but an ever-changing history
with a new page written tonight

See the shopkeeper bawling from their lungs
the mother and brother hugging one another
maybe calling in different tongues
but more like us than like an "other"

Too easy, in the past, we forget this
we forget a country's cultural riches
because we have to. We can't remember any more.
Not if we are to fight their country's leader's war.

23 February 2022

Horse riding

I don't think I've ever ridden a horse
It seems a little scary to me
I've seen many people do it of course
And do it most effortlessly

It seems so simple, on the screen
What it takes to foil a foal
Galloping around in grass so green
With complete and utter control

I am not a protagonist in a movie
Even if I think I have some witty lines
I know things would not go smoothly
If I were to suddenly embrace the equine

I could learn. But slowly. At my pace.
A horse is not a meerly tool to wield.
Maybe success wouldn't be winning a race.
Just trotting gently around a field.

I don't think I've ever ridden a horse
It seems a little scary to me
I'll give it a try, if it's on my life's course
And embrace the difficulty

16 February 2022

Acrostic Poem

Allow yourself space
Creativity will begin to flow
Rarely will it be easy
Often it will be slow
Still. It will come. You'll see.
Take time, don't race
I can't out-create you. Nor you, me
Come forward, art!...at your own pace.

Please, love whatever you make
Own everything about it, even the flaws
Even if you know where it would break
Make something. Make it yours.


A request from a friend. I don't think I've written an acrostic poem yet on this blog, so nice to make myself work in another form :)

9 February 2022

A drummer

I've been told a look like a drummer
I'm not sure what this means
Is it just that I have long hair?
And the smartest thing I wear is jeans?

Maybe, instead, it's something else
I look like someone blessed with rhythm
I mean, I guess I am good at counting
But I can't split time through a prism

Or I look like someone dependable
Who keeps the base for others to rise
A friend to others? A hidden talent?
I wonder how I look through other's eyes

The truth will out, and they are sadly wrong
Drumming is not the role I play in song
Maybe I am wrong? Maybe I should try? 
Still, it's nice to be thought of, even if I know not why.

2 February 2022


Some days I just feel like a fuck-up
How can I not?
I look around and see everyone else.

People who are funny. 
People who are attractive.
People who are athletic.
People who seem to have faith figured out.
People in relationships.
People who own houses.


Why can't I get my shit together?
Why am I trauma dumping in a poem again?
Why do I struggle to get out of bed some days?
Why is it such a struggle to meet people sometimes?
Why am I being so vulgar? This isn't me.

Some days I just feel like a fuck-up
But some days ain't all days
There are always good days as well.

You get a sense that you're not just treading water, but actually moving.
Maybe you got a sense that you made a friend's life was a little richer.
Maybe you made someone smile.
Maybe you got your laundry done.
Heck, maybe you got some external validation.
    and I know you shouldn't go seeking external validation all the time
    but it's still nice sometimes, y'know?

Life is hard. Because your journey isn't anyone else's.
And it very easy to see how far everyone else has managed to travel.
So don't forget to remember the good days.
You will need this memory on the harder days.
    The days you feel like a fuck-up.
    And maybe some days you are a fuck-up.
    Because we're all a fuck-up sometimes.

But you should still appreciate the steps you make.
You are a Fuck Up, but you are also Fantastic.
You are Flawed and you are Phenomenal.
Just remember to sometimes see yourself in the light you reserve for others.

26 January 2022

Who to trust?

So, when it comes down to it, who do you believe?
In a world of billions, whose truth do you receive?
There are many places in life where we have to trust
I'll never travel to space or below the Earth's crust
But I'll still accept that there's magma below my feet
That the vacuum of space is devoid of heat
Despite the nuances of all speech which need interpretation
I am utterly dependent on others in language translation
I have never spoken in person to the people inside the TV
So how do I know what global affairs they relay honestly?

My truth is not yours dear reader. I cannot tell you what to think.
But I do not believe that facts will inherently rise or sink
We must seek out and protect those things we see as real
But know which things are malleable and which are steel
There are bad actors in the world. Those who seek money or power.
But many good folk as well, even if flawed or dour.
Reader, I'm still searching for my Truth
I am scientist, sceptic, citizen, and sleuth
Don't hold hate in your heart, or at least not forever
And we can search for the truth together

19 January 2022

Gem Friends

I view my friends as gems
    and not a one of them is perfect
They are cut in weird ways
    they angle in odd directions
You learn over time which rays
    will then refract or reflect
And I love them all through their imperfections

We like to pretend we're pure
    Not a scratch upon any surface
But despite the many marks upon them
    I love how my friends sparkle in the sun
How part of them will glimmer
    with that smile upon their face
And that their pattern imparted on the Earth is unique to every one

It is no easy thing to be honest 
    about how damaged and flawed we are
We pretend that we somehow never hurt
    and are somehow never ill
But it is because I already know
    and I accept their marks and scars
That I know that, whatever comes, I will love my gem friends still


Inspired by this lovely tortoise and dino comic

12 January 2022

Just a test

Just a test
Of your best
Are you fake?
Best not flake

It's easy
I know me
I can pass
What they ask

Like before
There is more
I am strong
I'm not wrong

Keep going
Keep showing
Don't falter
No fault, yeah?

It is done
Another one
Just a test
Now, to rest

5 January 2022

New Year's Resolution

I don't need a new year's resolution
I think I'm happy with the way things are
I don't think a one-off promise or solution
Is going to get me far

There have been times in life I've needed it
From writing poetry to not biting my nails
Each resolution has taken effort and grit
Leading to some success and also some fails

But the best resolutions, don't end after a year
They keep going and going once December is done
I'm still writing weekly, I'll keep recording here
So I don't think I've the energy for another one

I wont make a promise I wont keep
For I want to be a man of my vow
Good luck to you all, may success you reap
I'll join you next year, if circumstance will allow