29 March 2023

Natural-Sounding Dialogue

Nothing, for me, captures the inherent oddity of humanity
Than the fact we find it hard to write natural-sounding dialogue
It's something that, more or less, should come naturally
More so than any song lyrics or a dramatic monologue

Like, we practice talking most days. Sometimes even twice.
We do it without sounding forced or like a robot
We can be witty or angry or upset or nice
But when we write it down every skill is quickly forgot

Were we simply not listening every previous conversation?
Why is it hard? How is it always so awkward?
I can't answer that, but I can make this observation
Something you can perhaps take forward

Learning is hard. Sometimes we have to actively focus.
If we can't do this, what other things do we miss?
Even for something so everyday and all around us
Life is hard and ignorance isn't just bliss

But also, appreciate the skill of the masters of this craft
The efforts of the artisans who make it seem so easy
Who who wrote the lines at which we cried and laughed
And managed to be the only ones to learn a skill we all practice daily

22 March 2023

Fascism is real

I've been listening to history
Tales of fascists trying to take power
But not just the oft-told tales from Germany
And, well, not just from some long past hour

The Nazis were villains. Monsters.
And it's easy to spot monsters right?
And it was evil folk that let them prosper?
And they only meet at the dead of night?

No. They had families. Many went to church.
They played sport and some sung in a choir.
They weren't deformed, didn't cackle and lurch.
But they fanned flames that were just embers, high and higher.

They told sweet lies that you weren't to blame
They gave you a scapegoat, an other to attack
They made them less human, and felt no shame
They used language that seems to be coming back

Maybe we wont take this path. We could be fine.
But Ukraine shows warfare is possible, even in the "civilized" West.
History is filled with people who did cross that line.
And I'm worried we're putting that line to the test.


Inspired by, well, a lot of recent events. But also specifically by "Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra", a podcast about how Nazism almost took hold in 1940s America.

15 March 2023

This is not the beginning

This is not the beginning

The poem didn't start here
But many years before
With connections in synapses
Appreciation of rhythm
Love of language
And more besides

This poem was forged
In the heart of a heart
Through blood and sweat
Through victory and regret
Until it bubbled up
And claimed the page

It will bleed on
Inspiring more poems
But also thoughts
Maybe lost to time
Maybe rippling onwards
Being more than just words

This is not the end

8 March 2023

It is time to take a step

It is time to take a step
You've been still for far too long
It is time to take a step
You must pretend you're strong!

It is time to take a step
It was ok to take your time
It is time to take a step
It is time to cross the line

The world does not stay still
It has moved along beside you
The world does not stay still
And now you must move too!

The world does not stay still
But you've been still long enough
The world does not stay still
And I know the path is tough

It is time to take a step
The world does not stay still
Give your feet another rep
And gather up your will

1 March 2023

We're all broken

We're all broken
But we're also fixing
In little bits at little times

We may be falling apart in other places
And some bits we never get back together
But there's also pieces you were meant to let go

It's a rough world out there
You'll pick up some wear and tear
The World can shows affection in odd ways

You were never meant to be perfect
None of us were
We're just energy-infused bodies trying the best we can on any given day

Some people break us
Even when they don't mean to
Or even when trying to stitch us back together

It's the worst, if you do that to someone else
You think you can heal the damage
But you just have to let them go

It's all part of growing, living, surviving
Breaking and fixing and breaking and fixing
Until all we are is patchwork and scars

But patchwork and scars can be beautiful 
They show we're trying
Even if it seems tough 

All you can do is try to darn more stitches than you cause
Help out people if they break in a spot that's hard to reach
Leave a little more good in the world than when you arrived

We're all broken
But we're also fixing
In little bits at little times