25 January 2021

Post for new readers

Hi! Welcome to my poetry blog friend.

In 2013 I made a new year's resolution to write a poem a week. Because I'm bad at quitting things, I'm still going. This has lead to me having too many poems.

So, here's a suggestion of a few cool poems to read. I also have a "10 best" post I do at the end of each year, so if you like these then that's a cool place to look next (search the "End of Year" tag). :)

If you ever want to hear an audio version of any poems, I'm slowly recording them over at https://anchor.fm/dashboard. Alternatively, I'm always happy to do a performance for people.

Also, if you ever have any questions or thoughts about any poem, no matter how old, then I love to be messaged to chat about them. I have lots of others I enjoy, and I am always happy to perform a recording of a poem for anyone. But these are the some that I figure serve as a good introduction to my work (and aren't overly long). Hope you enjoy them!

A short and sweet poem about poetic inspiration - Poem Catcher
A poem expressing my amazement for my bilingual friends - Another Tongue
A poem about personal bravery - Brave
A poem about the hectic pace we tend to approach life - Is Life a Race or a Dance?
A poem about the beauty in weirdness (and one of my first poems!) - Monsters
A poem about enjoying the moment - If Today

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