29 July 2020

I want things to return to normal

I want things to return to normal


I want things to get better, so that we can return to normal

It's wanting B, when first you need to do A.

Like wanting dinner before you wash your hands
Like wanting to drive before you sober up

It's tough to wait. 
It's annoying there's no clear signal. 
And yes, you may get lucky.
    It may be fine.

But it's endangering yourself, and others.

Sometime you need to remember
    Life can require a couple of steps
Try to jump some steps
    And you may fall a great way
Take caution
    And the climb will not be too hard

22 July 2020


An old fig tree marked the fork
Where the road branched many times
I stood here with many friends
All of us in our primes

I saw one friend journey to the mountain
A perilous path to a glorious summit
Though the frosty trail was littered
With those the mountain made submit

The forest claimed another friend of mine
A boon to those who knew it well
How to navigate the fruits and trails
Where it was safe to rest upon the knell

Another took the empty country road
Which stretched on for quite a while
They walked a gentle pace
Repeating mile after mile

A few friends took the river
And most of those went with its flow
Accepting where it took them
Wherever it would go

Each path had its own dangers
Each path had its own risks
Some took their path with caution
Others took a pace more brisk

I saw these friends of mine
Travel far as I could see
While I felt glued in place
Beneath this old fig tree

Inspo: https://www.zenpencils.com/comic/130-sylvia-plath-the-fig-tree/ 

15 July 2020

What do I want to be when I grow up?

When I was young
Or, younger than I am right now
The world was endless
And stretched on forever somehow

There were older people
Who drank bitter liquid from brittle cups
Who asked me, so politely
"What do I want to be when I grow up?"

It's standard question for children #2
Right after "Haven't you grown tall?"
What they meant is "What job do you want?"
But I often had no clue at all

And I'm just figuring out why

What if I don't want to be defined by just my profession?
What if I want to create things outside of 9-5?
What if I'm happy for that to be part of me
but to want to find more reason I'm alive?

And I don't know if I would have had an answer
But I wish just one older head
Had taken young me aside
And asked "What kind of person do you want to grow up to be?" instead


I felt the poem ended nicely there, but I'll admit to still not having an answer to that question. And right now I am really having to grapple with it.
I know I want to be kind
I know I want time outside of 9-5 to explore the richness of life
I know I want to not be so tired
I know I want to help others 
I know I want to not grow so distant from friends
I know I want to grow more as a person
But what I want to do?
I still don't know
And I haven't for the longest time

8 July 2020

How to rest

Today, I have to remember how to rest
Give my brain some time to itself
To not prepare for any trial or test
Recollect how to be myself

Don't do work. Check.
What else is there to do?
Let's think. There was
a time before 
what I just went through

I remember things
being brighter then.
Even if I don't remember how.
I don't want to
just do nothing
Even if that's all my energy will allow

I've done some exercise
I've played some games
I've chatted with friends
I've gone outside
I've done some cooking
I've breathed a little deeper
Now, I'm at an end
What else?

I suppose I will 
How to reorder myself with time
But to rebuild
I must first
a less structured

Written in my garden, after submitting the final set of corrections for my D.Phil

1 July 2020

Sound of my name

I'm not sure I've ever really felt that my name is me.
It's just a label, what more could it be?
It's not tied to ancestors generations long gone
Nor to a culture to which I will always belong

I was not named for a hero whose deed were great
No, my name means nothing. It does not determine my fate.
It is not an adjective or promise about who I would be
All my name does is signify that I'm me

Yet I am not even the only one with my name on the earth
So I feel it is not my name that gives me worth

For more than my name, I feel I am the things I have done
Those are the things that make me someone
My name was chance, from people who did not yet know me
So I will not be defined by a few syllables only

One day, I guess, I may feel proud of my name
Or, the opposite, I could view it with shame
But one things for certain, if I am more than those sounds
I had better show it and live a life that's profound