29 June 2016

90 Years

This poem is lovingly dedicated to my Grandma
She has been around 90 years on this World so far
Brought happiness and joy to many a different face
She takes life and it's challenges with a loving embrace

Because in 1926, the same year as Winnie the Pooh
My Grandma was born all fresh and new
Young and full of promise, so fittingly
They named her simply Rosemary

And like rosemary, she works best with others
As a mentor, as a neighbour, as a partner and lover
She never sees a person as better or worse
Just a future friend with which to converse

I feel lucky, even though I arrived so late
I've spent 23 years with her on Earth to date
That after so much time since that birth year
Both she and I share this world right here

If I start to worry about what the future might bring
I remember, in 1926, we still had an empire and a king
We've been through much turmoil change, it needs not be named
Just that through it all my dear Grandma remained

Whatever challenges life decides to throw my way
Blood flowing in her veins flows in mine today
So I have the power and the passion to persevere
Thanks to those strengths passed on from my Grandma right here

I just want her to know, how grateful I always will be
For the patience growing up she never failed to show me
For the love, and the light, let me just say
Grandma, have a very happy birthday.

22 June 2016


Who am I? Who are you?
What are we? What shall we do?
We've woken up a thousand times, emerged from slumber
Sometimes we wake up smarter, sometimes dumber

But normally, well, how to put this politely?
Day by day we change ever so slightly
We are constantly changing, such is our nature
Sometime change is small, sometimes an adventure

But why? Why do we change, and why does it matter?
It's important because without it, life would be flatter
There would be fewer bumps, and far less noise
Eternally living as girls and boys

But there's another thing to find far more interesting
Which gives a conscience far more testing
Some people in life have pride and certainty
In their current state and personality

But honestly? We'll be different tomorrow
Different things will cause laughter and sorrow
In areas of life we'd never even considered
New experiences packed up and delivered

We'd tackle new problems in very different ways
If we were older or younger by just a few days
So what I'm wondering, with confusion but no rage
What does it mean to 'be yourself', in this day and age?

15 June 2016

Sage Advice

"I was a lot more comfortable being vulnerable and open
When I was younger, and it wasn't clear if I was or wasn't joking..." - Sage Francis

It can be a struggle. To be open and honest.
So despite the evidence, I'll say that I'm for this.
When I say despite the evidence, I mean that sincerely,
Because I know for a fact that sincerity fears me.

I, like many others of my generation and age
Will stick to some conventions like tears to a rage
Although we're trying to shake them off, they just wont leave
Symptomatic of the very sickness from which we seek reprieve

Although we all have our little self-depreciation lines
Then shake them off jokingly, say that it's fine
Before we can notice, while enjoying the effect
It's turned into the knock-me-down stand-up set

But it's never serious, oh don't be silly
It's just a joke, and man these jokes kill me
Little by little, eating away at our pride
Until the jokes are as hollow as we feel inside

For me, these little jokes that I used to invent
Were the only times I'd ever get a compliment
So I'd repeat my own humiliation, as it carved the way
For the fact I still feel awkward getting complimented today

Please, if you are struggling, make me aware.
And tell me sincerely, so that I can show care
Be happy when you're happy, don't force a fake smile
Leaving people wondering what you're feeling all the while

No matter who you are, what gender, what age
Please pay attention to those words from a Sage

If you really want to know what it's like being open and honest, please listen to Make 'em Purr by Sage Francis - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0q0zAREm5U

8 June 2016

Immortality in a Can

Immortality in a Can
Immortality in a Can
Grab it while you can
Immortality in a Can

You know what they say:
Once you pop you

Man, I just took this deal, and I feel great
Just popped now fate awaits my infinity sell by date
To satiate my thirst
I never have to deal with the worst
I get live forever as the eternal man
And I owe it all to Immortality in a Can

Once you pop you

Ten years on and I'm still feeling strong
Since then I've taken life head on
I'm still feeling great, my body is spry
I have a love of life my friends can't deny
I could do this forever, or that's the plan
And I owe it all to Immortality in a Can

Once you pop you

Twenty years past and I'm still going
Even though my friends' age is showing
I've no wrinkles, either in skin or life
I've settled down with a trophy wife
She's got a bump, on the way a little man
And I owe it all to Immortality in a Can

Once you pop you

Fifty years on, and I admit it's been strange
I've experienced a lot of life's odd range
There's been ups and downs, now my kid is grown
My wife's gone on too, so I'm left alone
I'm still fine though, and I'm still a fan
And all I owe to Immortality in a Can

Once you pop you

One hundred years on, I just buried my son
I've attended a thousand funerals if I've attended one
I'm stuck on this world, the Earth has moved
I'm a relic now, I'm out of my groove
I'm viewed as an ignorant, out-of-touch man
All thanks, once again, to Immortality in a Can

Once you pop you

One thousand years on, yes I'm still here
I've tried to find purpose, I've tried to disappear
It's tough now though, to go off the grid
I'm known worldwide for what I once did
A morality lesson you learn as soon as you can
For that indulgence of Immortality in a Can

Once you pop you

Ten thousand years on and the world is gone
It's barren, we did well to last so long
Million year gone and it's still the same
Many million years gone and it's still the same
I lost count long ago, just as I lost any plan
Yet still I go on, Immortality in a Can

Once you pop you

I'm not saying I didn't experience things of worth
I experienced much death, but also birth
But those golden moments, they weren't worth the trade
Nothing good happened to those death betrayed
And I know death is scary, but to be the eternal man?
Forever is a long long time. So would you take Immortality in a Can?

1 June 2016


Pay attention. Listen up.
I'm going to try to explain something difficult.


No, wait! Don't go. I swear, I'll try to make it quick.

See, Democracy, to me, is still radical.
And I don't mean radical like skateboards,
    I don't mean radical like Guitar Hero.
I mean radical like revolutions are radical.

Because the idea that every single person has a valid opinion
And the following conclusion, that we have to listen to those opinions
That the collective will of every Jack, Tom and Harry, of every Jill, Beth, and Hannah
That all of us deserve a say in how our country is run.
That, to me, is radical.

Do you ever stop to think how unpopular that idea was to the ruling classes?

Nowadays, we have made democracy dull.
We have sanitised it beyond belief, made it boring.
It is carried out with pencils and paper in churches and schools.
Usually on a Thursday.

Please, don't be fooled.
Instead, please join me.

Because, I subscribe to this radical notion of democracy.
The idea that everyone's opinions matter is one I hold dear,
And yes, that includes you. That certainly and always includes you.

Just as you wouldn't let someone else take away your voice,
Please don't let apathy, or perceived insignificance steal it either.
For you are significant. For your voice matters.
But only if you let it.

What your voice says? That's up to you.

The deadline is June 7th.