31 January 2024

Without dark

"Without dark, there can be no light"
An interesting quote on which to embark
But while some see this as hope for bright
Others see it as a sign to fight for dark

I'm sure you've met them, in some way
Those who live their life by odd decree
"Life isn't fair", they will often say
As if unfairness is their philosophy

See, the world is rough, that much is true
I don't think we'll ever change that fact
But we can set those scales more askew
Bring more light that we once lacked

It can take a bold and peculiar mind.
To find your purpose in being kind.

24 January 2024

A known song

I didn't know the last song
I wont know the one after
But this one right here
This one is joy and laughter

This is music in each vein
It's a rhythm in my heart
A "hell yeah" from the brain
My arms begin to dart

There's that tune I love to hear
The words I'll never forget
A beat I dance to without fear
Even if they're moves I should regret

I didn't know the last song
I wont know the one after
But this one right here
This one is joy and laughter

17 January 2024

Nails of Iron

I saw bridges with legs like nails of iron
Rooting the city into the rugged landscape
Lit with neon to form a calm ambience  
That the mist quelled lest it get too ambitious

The river does not rush, but it is still powerful
The concrete ribbons allow for moderate-to-easy traversal
Yet it will not have been lain down without resistance
A temporary truce, that nature will claim again some day

It is foolish to think we can tame nature
It is unwise to try to make it submit
Like the stream finds a route through stone
So too should we embed our fossils in this world

There is a beauty to humanity, the trail we lead
There is a beauty to nature, who reclaims all paths


Just developing some thoughts I had cycling along the riverside in Newcastle


10 January 2024

Sometimes I'm popular

Sometimes I'm popular
Sometimes I'm not
Always I'm odd
And rarely forgot

Sometimes harmonic
Sometimes discordant
I feel the same
Yet received different

Sometimes I'm tired
Sometimes I get energy
A group can be friendly
Other times it is lonely

So I'll hold on through the times when I diverge from the core
And treasure deeply the times that leave me wanting more

3 January 2024

Play with Music

 I wish I could play music
That I could string up a tune
That I could take the words I write
And give them a whole new boon

I love listening to wordsmiths
With music behind the lines
Raising up the verses
Giving life to the rhymes

The perfect pop star melody
The earnest folk devotion
The raw punk rock growl
All dripping with emotion

But I know how much skill is in those notes
I wont play down the time it would require
So I'll keep working on improving my craft
In case I find someone musical to inspire