29 September 2021

Sparkless Days

I don't like doing days without my spark
But I know we all have to sometimes
Maybe it's good to learnt to navigate the dark
Or how to write non-heartfelt rhymes

It is just tough, when I start to reflect
That I was simply following my algorithms that day
Maybe my melancholy started to infect?
Maybe others could tell I wasn't the right way?

Yet if I don't have a spark, what else can I do?
As much as I want to rest, it's best to attack
See the day and its challenges through
And maybe even win my spark back

But we all get limited days to call our own
And not every day is going to feel swell
So rather than sit and gripe and moan
I'll try to appreciate things in my sparkless days as well

22 September 2021


    This poem is just me practicing my lines
Nothing more, and nothing less
    It simply serves a lyrical marker
A step from which I will progress

    One day, after many years and words have passed
A rhyme or line might be reused
    Maybe for a poem I care deeply about
Or a small ditty to keep me amused

    This poem though, is not deep
It just serves as a foundation
    That does not mean it's not important!
Just that it's not worth your consideration

    For the poem that I one day memorise
With stanzas I learn to recite with passion
    Will contain countless foundations
Many threads within its fashion

    This poem is just me practicing my lines
It stand alone. Rough, jagged, but whole.
    And I am very thankful for poems like this
Because without them, I would never reach my poetic goal. 


15 September 2021

Partial victory

If you can't fix it fully, why even try?
What point is such effort worth?
Just give up,
they plead and cry
And cease any attempt henceforth

As nice is quick solutions are
Some things can't be solved in one leap
Honestly, this realisation can take you far
Despite not really being that deep

Because some people seem to oppose
Incremental progress of any kind
I will never solve racism, sexism, or other woes
I wont eliminate a disease of body or mind

But I may be one less straw on a camel's back
And I may lift off one more while I'm there
I can ask others to help this incremental attack
Together, we can make a load easier to bare

So I may not solve racism by taking a knee
I may not stop Covid by wearing a mask
But if I'm not harming anyone then maybe
These small steps aren't too much to ask?

Especially if I'm not acting as one
And you take these small steps with me
Because these big battles can be won
If we recognise a partial victory is still a victory

8 September 2021

Wake into Sleep

I love that moment
Of wake into sleep
The jump into dream
More saunter than leap

The engulfing calm
From deep under skin
The rising fluff
Grows somewhere within

With tired eyes
And peaceful brain
From wake to sleep
A beautiful refrain


1 September 2021


I always forget that I own a defined number of things
Until, that is, the moving bells ring
Then it's all in boxes, ready to go
Objects to keep, objects to throw

If it's been three years or less than one
It's always an effort until it's done
Filtering each object through my memory
Deciding which ones are still dear to me

And then, and then, it always seems so bare
Seeing my whole life packed away there
That all the extra things I possess
Are sorted, filed, and heavily compressed

It's the finiteness that always strikes my core
That I own this much and not one thing more
Until I reach my next resting place when
I can begin to expand to infinity again