15 July 2020

What do I want to be when I grow up?

When I was young
Or, younger than I am right now
The world was endless
And stretched on forever somehow

There were older people
Who drank bitter liquid from brittle cups
Who asked me, so politely
"What do I want to be when I grow up?"

It's standard question for children #2
Right after "Haven't you grown tall?"
What they meant is "What job do you want?"
But I often had no clue at all

And I'm just figuring out why

What if I don't want to be defined by just my profession?
What if I want to create things outside of 9-5?
What if I'm happy for that to be part of me
but to want to find more reason I'm alive?

And I don't know if I would have had an answer
But I wish just one older head
Had taken young me aside
And asked "What kind of person do you want to grow up to be?" instead


I felt the poem ended nicely there, but I'll admit to still not having an answer to that question. And right now I am really having to grapple with it.
I know I want to be kind
I know I want time outside of 9-5 to explore the richness of life
I know I want to not be so tired
I know I want to help others 
I know I want to not grow so distant from friends
I know I want to grow more as a person
But what I want to do?
I still don't know
And I haven't for the longest time

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