Let this world not pass us by, for time is unforgiving
There's action we can take, paths we have to choose
Friends that we can make, a day we should not lose
If today is not the day we die, let it be one we remember
Let July not pass us by, so we can't recall it in December
We all have dreams, we all have goals. It is not wrong to strive.
Complete your longing, and be whole. Let us feel alive.
Complete your longing, and be whole. Let us feel alive.
If today is not the day we die, let it be like no other
For when this day will pass us by, there is likely just another
The future is not known of any, nor what destiny has in store
Just remember that last beg of many, who ask for one day more.
If today is not the day we die, then let it not be a day we take by half
Let it be a day we smile, let it be a day we cry, let it be a day we laugh
You've only got a lifetime, and yet so much to give
Because I feel today will not be the day we die...
So let it be a day we live

If today is not the day we die, then let it not be a day we take by half
Let it be a day we smile, let it be a day we cry, let it be a day we laugh
You've only got a lifetime, and yet so much to give
Because I feel today will not be the day we die...
So let it be a day we live

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