10 May 2017

A Villain's Honesty

I can't be the only person, who when growing up, thought I was really good at telling if someone was good or bad.
Honestly, it was easy! They'd turn to the audience and then reveal that they were completely mad.
They'd show how their desire for money or power would corrupt their very soul
And then tell us point by point how they'd achieve their wicked goal

Do you remember? Hey, I'm sure you do.
The first time you thought a bad guy had a point or two.
Where there was method in the madness. Something not not quite right.
Leading you to wonder if this villain once saw the light.

And then you grew up. And no one rants any more.
No one sees themselves as antagonist to their core.
We only have a wicked streak, or a dark side we keep hidden.
But it's never the 'real us'. Such talk is mostly forbidden.

Except for those we put on a plinth as a scapegoat up tall.
But even those people, I don't think evil is their all.
People aren't like that. At least, no one I've met.
And I'm sure I can be convinced differently yet.

But it would be so convenient, would fit so nice.
If I could see a true, honest villain with a vice.
With a maniacal laugh and a wide scary smile.
Because, honestly, I haven't seen an honest villain in a good long while.

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