5 July 2017

The first among us

This poem is dedicated to the first among us,
He's the one who went first, and he caused enough fuss,
That our parents couldn't muster as much energy to be annoyed at us when they asked "Why?"
At the silly stuff we'd do under their tired eyes,
Because he went first, and he took the worst,
He was the first among us, and the first on this Earth.

He, he was the first to go to school,
Set out on the challenge of learning and trying to being cool,
Man he earned his way, he couldn't be a fool,
And just copy an older sibling's homework if he couldn't do it all,
And he's a perfectionist, our brother - so he always tried his best.
He was the first among us to take life's tests.
And he was the first to ace life's tests!

He, he was the first to leave the home,
Go out on his own, try to make it alone,
Packed up his bags, went to university,
Head down, a degree in pharmacology,
But he also got great friends there. And he learnt things I'll never know.
The first among us. And still he's still got so far to go.

He, he was an inspiration to me, and he got me learning,
He got my brain and my other muscles working,
Showed me the power of strength of mind,
Hinted that hip-hop has much great music to find,
And when I left home, you can bet he was nearby and had led the way there too.
He is my brother. And Robin. I'm so proud of you.

You were the first one among us here on this Earth.
You were the first to start earning and prove your worth.
You were the first to go out and leave the house.
And now you're the first to go and get a spouse.
And while we're on the subject...
What an amazing, wonderful, beautiful, charming woman you've found. This is Sarah and she has dedicated her life to caring.
It's unfair! You make such a fantastic pairing.
But for my brother to be leading the way? The first among us, let me say I expect nothing less.
But to the both of you - best of wishes, and God Bless.

This was a very special poem to get to write and perform. To my brother Robin, and his new wife Sarah - thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to express just how amazing you both are. Have wonderful lives together.
Also, this poem was very much written to be performed, so it doesn't really work on the page. Sorry about that. But not really.

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