10 September 2013

#37 In which I learn I suck at small talk

Hey man!
Whats up?
Not much. How're you?
How am I? Well.
That's kinda difficult.

See, I'd describe myself as kinda complex. A little bit unusual, y'know?
Saying how I am is gonna take a little bit longer than you might think.
I've been thinking a lot about a lot of things in a lot of ways
So you might want to settle down and grab yourself a drink

I'm feeling kinda amazing. I'm luckier than most people in this world.
I've been blessed with a caring family, supportive friends and good circumstance
I was born with relatively few disabilities to stunt my growth
There are only few obstacles on the path down which I wish to advance

But I'm also feeling quite sad and disillusioned
Whenever I see what's happening in the news
I feel sad when I see the media not doing it's job
Yet when it does it's job well I just develop depressing views

I'm feeling optimistic - I'm still young with life to live
I'm feeling kind - there's so much that I want to give
I'm feeling anxious - there's some tough challenges in store
I'm feeling satisfied - screw materialism, I don't need anything more

I'm feeling like the sum total of 1000 generations of natural selection
I'm feeling that I'm thinking too much, with introspective introspection
I'm feeling lonely, a unique sum of genetics within the human race
I'm feeling small, as I realise the vastness of outer space

I'm feeling like a lot of things right now
And I know you do to.
I'd love to ask you to answer with exactly how
It really feels to be you.

But with all things considered
Now I've gathered up all these thoughts of mine
When you ask me how I'm feeling?

I guess I'm fine.

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