11 May 2016

The famous girl

She had that beauty which came from getting up an hour earlier than the sun
And staring endlessly into the mirror willing herself through the next day
Even with a sense of anxious pride about who she was and what she'd done
There was only one small part of her that had never wished this life away

No, it was not those startling clear blue eyes, clouded windows to a troubled soul
Nor was it those carefully shaved legs which had walked through a thousand dreams
It was the voice inside that let her know this was her life, this was her goal
She'd deserved the adoration, and every one of her fans' desperate screams

Finally, the world was proclaiming her The Star she'd always wished in her heart
She'd been raised up high for the world to see and adore entirely
She'd never have to worry about loneliness, or the price of her shopping cart
She could shape this reality to however she wished it to be

Taking a deep breath, she made the voice inside slowly silence, then subside
Knowing that overconfidence was a strong bug by which to be bitten
She'd taken a step, when the first embers of her fame had been realised
She got out the well-worn, tear-stained letter she'd written

"Dear Star, for that's who I know you'll be and what you are
Please remember, when life is going far too much your way
That's not just who you are. You're more than a superstar
No matter how fantastic, no matter how glamourous the day

You are me, the girl sat here full of dreams and wishes
You were the daughter of parents who gave you their all
Though you may one day be served as one of high society's great dishes
Please remember that both gravity and pride can make stars fall

It is not wrong to be liked. It is not wrong for effort to meet reward
Just remember that whatever else, you are still you. Signed lovingly, you!"
She'd taken these words with as much care as she could afford
After all, she was The Star, and it was all she could ever do.

Inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UznHTBZIa8E and the very wonderful comic, "The Wicked + The Divine"

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