3 February 2021

You are still worthy

Here is a great secret, if you promise not to tell
A secret that They Who Know guard very well
One which is counter to all the lies they feed
An antidote for the pressure that make us want to recede

You, yes you, don't have to be an extraordinary individual
Even if you don't end up being an athlete or intellectual
You are still worthy of love, of compassion, of kindness
You are a human. You are flawed and you are blessed.

You have the potential to do earth-shattering things
To shape the future that the universe brings
One day you may end up soaring through the stars
Maybe you'll write a best seller or design self-driving cars 

But maybe you don't want to. Maybe that fills you with stress.
Well, if that is the case, don't let that fill you with duress.
Don't give in to the dissatisfaction they want you to invent
If living a simple life would otherwise make you content

We need staple foods in life as much as we need treats
We need simple forest paths and old cobbled streets
We need a "how are you" as much as lectures and prose
You are still worthy, no matter where you life goes

You can be extraordinary. If you want to. That fact is still true.
But the more radical thing is that you are worthy, just by being You.

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