19 March 2014

History: The History of Compassion

Humanity often fails to admit that its past isn't great
We've become kinda lax with learning that of late
So lets rewind to the common ancestor we share with apes
To remind us how far we've come (as of this date)

It used to be simply survival of the fittest
And though it might seem painful to admit this
The selfish gene was our means to survive
Looking out for number one is what kept us alive

But then slowly, slowly, we started to adapt and change
We realised intelligence, and something most strange
That we were stronger as a community than we were alone
And thus the seeds of civilization were finally sewn

There was still an advantage to be at the top however
Thus bred global insecurities and personal paranoia
It is clear that fear is what drove those with power
Virtuous mercies and compassions were no norm that hour

Ethics and moralities developed so we could live together
It became within our interests to shelter others from bad weather
Still acting for personal gain, but now it's not quite the same
Because we advance from helping others without shame

Now we're getting around the present day
Arguing personal responsibility in various ways
That some people were just born to thrive
Competition and battle is what makes us strive

I'm not going to say whether or not that is true
But it's important we don't sacrifice progress we've gone through
There is a beauty in compassion not often told
So let me extrapolate how our future should unfold

Quite simply, continue linearly on our path
Learn to love one another so we can chat and laugh
Emphasise how working together is how we inspire
Because compassion is what elevates humanity higher.

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