23 June 2021

Binary Goodbyes

When I was younger, everyone I knew
Could fit, if pushed, inside a classroom at school
Most of those people, I saw every single day
People who were close to me in every single way

Then slowly, my world expanded 
It grew and grew and grew
I never really planned it
But as it grew I said goodbye to people too

Now all the people that I know are stretched all around the world
Some people I'll may see again as fate's path unfurls
But you could ask why do you keep doing this? Making new friends?
Why do you keep persisting in meeting people if you'll just leave them in the end?

Well. God's given me a life and he's given me a lot of love
He's blessed me, invested in me, and that should be enough
But I'm still growing and I'm still showing what it is to be alive
And I'm doing that with the support of many people who make me strive

I strive to be as kind as you, and be reminded of you in the way I act
The physically distant are still encoded in who I am and that's a fact
So even for the sad goodbye for those I may never meet again
I remember from having met you that I will never be the same

But one day, in another world, I would still like everyone to gather
To share with you stories that make you both happier and sadder
Because sharing with distant friends always makes me delighted
Recollecting what we became with the spark you once ignited

And though it is the case our paths lead in different ways
I'm grateful if we shared years, or if we shared days
So let us not focus on goodbyes and time apart
Instead, be thankful for time together that we hold forever in our heart


Inspired by 1011010100101000 by Jonny 5 + Yak

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